Time for your monthly Activity Check!
Link your two posts, two threads or logs, or one post and a thread/log here. Remember if it's a thread, it has to be at least TEN COMMENTS TOTAL and not in the post you linked. This is MANDATORY FOR ALL PLAYERS.
This excludes characters that come in after the activity check.
If you're on hiatus, post it on the
hiatus post, but you have to have been on hiatus for a MINIMUM OF TWO WEEKS DURING THE MONTH TO BE EXEMPT FROM THE ACTIVITY CHECK. If you're on the inactivity list for the month, but happen to take an extended hiatus that month, you won't be required to post, but you will still be on the inactivity list for the following month.
The following people are on the inactivity list for this month:
124interviewsandbrushmyhairbroomscankillgenki_ni_yuukihestoofantastichugewitchnoheatnikkionlyapparateplastic_spasticsilentnillthe_swampdocwingless_blade Additionally, the following people still have to fill out their character's permissions form:
blackbloodcronabroomscankillcrane_not_crowgenki_ni_yuukigravitysmybitchhestoofantastichugewitchits_cor_alineitstheghostboykleptoraimagical_cakemanlychesterohmygodshoezplastic_spasticpriestess_amagisilentnillthe_swampdocxlnt_questionyukimi_mama Please fill it out and post the link on the taken page so that it can be added in.
You have until APRIL 1ST PST to post your links here. We'll be reminding you throughout the month!
You can use this if html is tricky:
Character Name:
Character Journal:
Activity Links: Here and here
And as always, if you have any feedback for us, don't hesitate to let us know!