Ignorance is Bliss: Chapter 5, Part 1

Apr 28, 2012 21:40

P.E. was fun. Naomi was glad that there were no vampires in the class. She was sure Edward had already told the others that she knew their secret. Nami wasn’t sure how they would act.


Mantra: That's easy. They'll leave and start over. Or kill you. That's always a good choice, too.

NG55: Just shut the hell up, Nami. You are not making ANYTHING easier.

Were they going to confront her or just kill her?

Mantra: I don't see a difference in those two options. To kill you, they have to confront you.

In her annoyance she had forgotten to ask Edward if Emmett was okay. She hadn’t meant to make him mad.

Mantra: Oh hey, she even copies Bella almost word for word! 'I don't care if I die! I wonder how my Designated Love Interest is doing! Hey, readers, aren't I just SO GODDARN SELFLESS?'

NG55: What are YOU annoyed about, you stupid WHORE?! If anything, I actually sympathize with the Cullens for once. FOR FUCKING ONCE! Bella was bad enough, but you are just WORSE!! GAH!! And why do you care? WHY?! No. You don't deserve Emmett. You don't deserve ANYTHING! Just go crawl back into that hole where you came from and STAY THERE!!

“I wish Ian was here.” She said to herself quietly, looking up at the cloudy sky. Saying his name still hurt. She hugged herself.


Mantra: What do you know? She even has her own Goddamned Hole (TM). How wonderful.

NG55: Oh wow. A randomly tacked on ex-love interest who will serve no relevance to ANYTHING except to give her more of a wangst background back story. FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!!! I am SO enthralled and emotionally invested in the sadness she is feeling right now!!

“Who’s Ian?” Asked a voice. Nami wasn’t surprised to hear the voice.


Mantra: Do disembodied voices talk to you often?

NG55: It's just Edward.

She turned around to face all five of the Cullens.

Mantra: Nope, not Edward. The whole entire fucking Cullen clan abandoned their classes to chitchat with her. Because she's SPESHUL.

NG55: I don't even care at this point. I just don't care anymore. All I notice is a lack of Bella.

Mantra: Now that the Sue is here, they're fawning over her instead of Bella, because that's SO last season.

NG55: You'd think that would be a good thing. But the Sue is far from an improvement worth focusing on.

She hadn’t heard them approaching, but the faint voices in her head had given them away.


Mantra: Which is why you never mentioned hearing them until now! I. CALL. BULLSHIT.

NG55: I call bullshit as well. This makes less and less sense. Honestly Suethor, what made you think giving her mind reading powers was a GOOD idea?

Mantra: It'd make her SPESHUL and UNIQUE! That's everything a Sue cares about!

NG55: *Facepalms* Is it over yet?

Mantra: NOPE, this is the longest chapter yet. You see why I want to kill my creator, now?

NG55: *Whimpers*

They were wearing warmer clothes then her. Nami found that amusing.


SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 2 (Resistance to cold is meant to be used to show how AWESOME she is - see her conversation with Bella in Chapter 1)

Mantra: Why? Because they're actually smarter than you when it came to not drawing attention?

NG55: Well, Sue, you and I have different tastes to what we find amusing.

“That is none of your concern. Let’s just get down to the point.” She met the glaring or impassive stares of the vampires.


Mantra: (Sue) Which one of you will fuck me? *Drops knickers*

NG55: Who are you to order them around? Sue, just stop it. Trying to be all tough and strong and all ordering...it's not endearing. It's ANNOYING.

“Fine.” Replied Edward. He had his arms crossed loosely across his chest. His eyes were guarded. Naomi pinched the bridge of her nose with delicate fingers. All this pressure on her first day was getting to her.


SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 5 (Oh, woe is her. How is she meant to put up under all the praise and welcome from her classmates?)

Mantra: Oh yeah, 'cause that's a perfectly rational response when faced with five murder machines who are gunning for you.

NG55: You brought it on yourself, you whore. You could've just left well enough alone and gotten the hell OUT, but no. You had to make sure to fuck everything up. That's exactly what you're doing and you KNOW IT!

SOS: Not to mention, isn't it hypocritical for her to say that? I mean, in this case, the CULLENS are actually under more pressure as they might be forced to relocate if she starts spreading rumours...or the Volturi could start meddling if they knew what was happening. After all, she's a famous model. Vampire secrets could get spread right onto the media!

NG55: No kidding. I actually sympathize with THEM more than I ever could with her. And that's say a lot.

“Look, it’s not like I’m going to tell anybody.

Mantra: Yes, but how would THEY know that? They have every right to be annoyed or fretful in this case.

NG55: You're a famous model. You have no privacy or secrets that the media doesn't know.

And if you’re wondering how I found out, ask Jasper, he was the one thinking about his interesting life throughout all of Calculus. Blame him, not me.” She smirked winking at Jasper who rolled his eyes.

SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 6 (Even when she is being antagonistic, it is implied that the Cullens find her charming or amusing.)

Mantra: But it's you who kept listening and didn't give him any privacy. And it's you who rubbed this knowledge in their faces. For all they know, you could be intending to blackmail them. Why the fuck shouldn't they blame you? I mean, it's not like Jasper knew what to think about! It was YOUR responsibility to not listen to it, preferably by distracting yourself with CALCULUS

NG55: I don't get it. How is it Jasper's fault?!

Mantra: Well, whose fault COULD it be? The Sue's? Don't make me laugh!

NG55: ...You can't be serious.

Mantra: *Very serious* Do I look like I'm joking?

“You’re lying. You knew before that.” Interrupted Emmett. He looked disinterested at her, still mad about before.

Mantra: Oh, this Sue is so pathetic, it's not even funny. She's trying every cliched trick in the book, and all Emmett feels towards her is annoyance.

NG55: Unfortunately, we can't have that. The Sue is going to make sure to change that.

“Why do you think that?” Nami was smiling, enjoying herself. This seemed to annoy them even more.


SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 7 (Of course, she’s utterly confident and unfazed by danger.)

Mantra: By GOD, this Sue is the most arrogant thing I've ever seen. Get this through you fucking head. YOU ARE AT A DISADVANTAGE. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS STOPPING THEM FROM RIPPING YOUR HEAD OFF AND FEASTING ON YOUR BLOOD. In fact, can someone please come in and do that? Alucard? Dracula? I don't care! Someone fucking show this Sue who's in charge around here!

*Cricket chirps*

NG55: ...Or just kill her? Please?

“Because, you are taking this too calmly.


Mantra: Actually, no. That's just because her single, lone brain cell can't muster up any emotion other than condescension.

NG55: What an arrogant bitch. Hey, Suethor? Arrogance doesn't exactly make a character ENDEARING. Now, if you're Sue was an ANTAGONIST, we could roll with it and hate her. But since we're supposed to love her, you have FAILED!

Also you knew how to push Emmett’s buttons.” Informed her Alice.

Mantra: Actually, that's not true either. She just knows how to be FUCKING ANNOYING. I'm nothing like Emmett. She's pushing MY buttons!

NG55: And mine. They are going to BURST.

She was the only one that looked friendly at the moment.

SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 8 (For implying that the Cullens should continue to coo over her even at such a critical moment.)

Mantra: Because she's a twee little idiot who doesn't know any better.

NG55: Well gee, why do you think THAT is?

“Let’s not forget your theories. They were quite fascinating.” Added Edward.


Mantra: (Edward) If we count bile fascination, that is

NG55: ....Really? ....Really? You're...going to say THAT, Edward? YOU KNOW WHAT SHE IS THINKING!!! Just...all of you, cut the damn crap and GET ON WITH IT!!!!!!!

“You’re absolutely right. I did know before that. I knew from the moment I saw Emmett. He was paler then me, and the shadows under his eyes were noticeable. The only thing that I didn’t understand was the color of his eyes. I wanted to prove my suspicion, so I shook hands with him. You get the point. Then Jasper spilled the beans, unconsciously, of course. I was truly amazed that all of you live in such a small town, but I was explained that too.”


SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 10 (For saying outright that all of her shameless, awkward flirting before was a part of a GENIUS plan.)


NG55: Really, Sue? REALLY?! They know all of that, and yet you throw it out to them like your Miss Know-It-All. Well, you're NOT! You know nothing. NOTHING!

Nami was getting bored she didn’t like being the center of attention.


Mantra: People who don't like attention don't get bored. They get nervous. Or annoyed. Not bored. Being bored just means you think they're not fawning over you ENOUGH.

NG55: Do you really expect us to buy this? We are five chapters in. We know you are an ATTENTION WHORE! You're just bored because they're not throwing themselves at your feet!

SOS: Here, want me to prove that? Well, I’ll do so with ONE number. Watch:


What is that number? The total Shameless Self Praise count from the profile until now.

Yes, someone that absorbed in themselves can’t POSSIBLE want ATTENTION!

So far she hadn’t been able to avoid that in life.

Mantra: Yes, mainly because you weren't trying. Drive cheaper cars, don't answer their questions, stop faking British accents, don't flirt with people in the middle of class, and DON'T FUCKING REVEAL THAT YOU'RE A MIND READER.

NG55: Avoid WHAT? Being the centre of attention? Newsflash, you have been a famous model for years now! You have been anything but!

“Okay, but how did you know we were vampires in the first place?” Questioned Jasper. He was annoyed because it was partly his fault she knew so much about them.


SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 11 (For continuing to insist that nothing is ever her fault.)

Mantra: No, he's getting annoyed because you keep pussy-footing around and wasting their time. Stop trying to pass your fault onto him, dear. He might be a psychopath, but he's innocent in THIS case

NG55: It's not Jasper's fault, you guys! The damn SUE is the one to blame! SHE started all of this!

Nami smiled sadly.

“My best friend is a vampire.” She whispered.




That is all I have to say.

NG55: .....What. ....What. OH COME ON!! Are you SERIOUSLY expecting us to buy that?! First you tack on she can read minds, then you tack on that she KNEW a vampire! Oh for Pete's sake! Why don't you have her say that she was also an apprentice of Wonder Woman while we're at it?!

Saying that brought back memories. Once again she hugged herself, this time tighter. Edward knew that pose. It was the same thing Bella had done, while he was gone. Naomi was hurt and desperately trying to keep herself together.


Mantra: Huh, who knew. The Sue just said to Edward's face that what he has with Bella isn't Twu Womance. She had the same thing with a casual friend!

NG55: Oh great, here we go.

Suddenly she turned around. “I’ve told you what you want to know. I have to go, class has already started.” She said and ran off.


Mantra: -to class, where she was promptly ambushed by sporkers and killed.

NG55: Gah, the running off cliché AGAIN?! Every SINGLE. DAMN, STORY always has the idiot who has to wangst and get all mopey and run away before facing the truth and accepting it. Oh no, can't handle the truth, waaaaaaahh!! Oh screw you, Sue. BOO-FUCKING-HOO.

Edward stared after her. Someone put a hand on his shoulder. It was Alice.

“She reminds you of Bella.” It was a statement. He nodded solemnly.


SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 12 (Being compared to Bella by Edward IS a praise, okay?)

Mantra: (Edward) I guess I'll have to split my stalking schedule now. This whole True Love thing is really rather hokey, though, if every woman who was sad reminded me of my True Love.

SOS: And is it just me, or did this fic just because Princess of Shadows? Look at the prose and tell me this Suethor isn't imitating the style of that fic!

NG55: *Shrinks back* ....Oh my God....it does....

“That empty look in her eyes. It’s just awful.

Mantra: (Edward) She had even less personality and emotions than ME!

NG55: No!! Stop it!! *Holds head*

I listened to it in her head. This Ian guy was like the balance in her life. Before she met him, she hated the whole modeling thing. After he became her hair stylist she started having more fun.

Mantra: Yes, and it said in the profile that she always hated modelling because...?

NG55: Then what? She had an affair with him, it hit the papers, and because he's a vampire, he ran off so as not to get any more attention?

He was like every figure in her life she was missing, brother, father, best friend.”

SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 13 (Unfortunately, having your romance paralleled to imprinting IS a compliment in the Twilight universe.)

NG55: Boyfriend?

Mantra: She and Ian were like you and Bella...and their relationship can be described as brother, father, and best friend? Dude, the paternal vibes were already disturbing in canon! You didn't have to magnify it!

SOS: And you didn't have to steal the description for IMPRINTING to describe your Epic Romance. Imprinting was hardly romantic to begin with.

NG55: Looks like we found a fan who actually thinks Jacob and Renesmee are soooo romantic.

“That’s sad.” Agreed Alice. Then thought for a while. “Something’s bothering me.

Mantra: *Looks at past sporkings* Bothering you? Why, the Sue's explanation was FOOL-PROOF! What could POSSIBLY bother you about it?

NG55: (Alice) I think we're in the middle of a contrived, stupid Suefic. I predict that it will only get worse from here.

She said she was surprised at the color of our eyes. That means that Ian is a regular vampire.” Edward nodded again.

“I was surprised to hear that too. I don’t know how he managed, with a scent as strong as hers. He must really care about her.” He said thoughtfully.


SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 15 (Two points, one for having a great scent, and another for having an Epic Romance with a vampire, which is definitely a good thing in the Twilight universe.)

Mantra: I don't know, it doesn't sound that hard from what I've seen. I mean, all Emmett had to do was stop breathing, and he'd been starving for a week! That's all it takes!

NG55: What kind of sense does that make?! Okay, so we have a vampire who DOES drink human blood, and yet he's managed to be just fine around the Sue? ....Her blood must've been toxic. A kind of blood that would kill him if he drank it.

Mantra: See? I told you I had a reason for harvesting Sue-blood!

Alice laughed.

“I know someone he reminds me of.” Edward rolled his eyes at his sister.

SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 16 (Paralleling your boyfriend to Edward, the ultimate fangirl bait in Twilight?)

Mantra: Really, Sue? What are you doing paralleling this relationship to Edward/Bella, and yet still claiming you were only friends? Not only do we not buy it, but you're also insulting the main couple of a book series you actually LIKE! Are you really just that pathetic?

SOS: Maybe this is some sort of fixation that the First Romance is always better. Therefore, the girl has to be completely inexperienced when she enters a romance, therefore Ian cannot be a past boyfriend. It's a common cliché in romance writing.

NG55: Oh, honestly! Sometimes there are understandable circumstances as to why a pairing ends up beinng each other's first love, or one of them, but here? Come on. Having a past love interest isn't a bad thing!

Mantra: Nope, anyone who has dated before is used goods and doesn't deserve an Epic Romance of their own. Therefore, the Sue MUST stay pure.

“But what happened to him?”

Mantra: A rogue plothole ate him up.

NG55: He's conveniently out of the picture. What more reason do you need?

“I don’t know. She left before I had a chance to hear the end.” He shrugged his shoulders.

Mantra: What, instead of shrugging his feet? This Suethor has a fetish for repeating the obvious

SOS: Oh no! We'll never find out what happened to Ian! Oh, the suspense! *Dramatic faint*

NG55: Oh please. You could get her entire thought sequence in an instant. Don't give us that bullshit, Wardo.

“But Naomi is strong. She seems to be coping with everything.”


Mantra: Which is why she has a Goddamned Hole and left in a fit.

SOS: Although, to be fair, we have no idea if she was acting that or not, since she never brought this up before and it doesn't seem to affect her perfect little life all that much.

NG55: So, can we chalk it up as yet another Big Lipped Alligator Moment? Without the entertainment?

SOS: And with 150% more the wangst!

“It’s true. Bella was a total mess when you left.”

Mantra: She lied down in the middle of a forest like a slug and waited to die. I call that slight more than 'a mess' myself. That's definitely into, 'Oh god, this thing needs some electro-shock therapy.'

NG55: You're comparing the Sue's wangsting to Bella's wangsting? Seriously?

The guilt entered Edward’s eyes.

“It’ll never happen again though. I’ll never hurt her like that.” He was determined.

Mantra: (Edward) That gives me the right to stalk her wherever she goes and isolate her from her family and friends, so that I can have her to myself, right?

NG55: Noooo! Not that again! NO! Bad Edward! Down, boy!

Nami entered her French class.


Mantra: What, no pagebreaks, no transition, just...BAM, we're here?

NG55: Noooo!! It's Princess of Shadows all over again!!!

The teacher was young, in his early twenties. He turned to looked at her. She gave him an apologetic smile.

“Sorry I’m late. I got a little lost. I’m new.”

Mantra: Oh yes, keep on lying, because that endeared us to you SO MUCH the first time around!

NG55: (Sue) You can't get me in trouble! I'm new! Tee-hee!

The teacher smiled at her.

“It’s okay, just pick a seat and do the Classwork on the board. If you have any trouble you can ask me.” He was extremely nice. Nami already liked him.



SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 18 (Of course, the Sue never gets in trouble.)

Mantra: Of course, she doesn't like anyone unless they give her preferential treatment and fawn over her. Oh, but don't get her wrong! She HATES attention. She just like people who give her attention! Hypocrisy? Lying? What's that?

NG55: You know, this reminded me of one of Shmeiliarockie's videos. One of the videos pointed out how Bella thought that Mike was the nicest guy she had met all day on her first day. Which is ironic because Eric had said practially the SAME THINGS to her earlier and she didn't even care. So, why Mike got to be deemed nice? Because he was hot. The same thing is happening here.

She stared at the board. She had to write a page in French about the economy in a third world country of her choice.

Mantra: ...dude, WTF? Do French Continuers often get asked to write on topics like that? Because that seems like it'd require a whole ton of knowledge of French...and why would they need to know about how to discuss this topic in French anyways? I thought Language classes were meant to be, you know, PRACTICAL. When would you ever need to talk about something like that in French?

NG55: Um, Suethor? Is this FRENCH class? Because if it isn't, then what the hell?! This isn't French Immersion!! It doesn't make any sense! No, wait, you're just using it in order to show how oh so SMART your Sue is! 'Cause she knows French! Just as I expected. Well, I'm part French, I can speak it (somewhat), and I'm annoyed by this. No, not insulted, not worth my time. But I am still annoyed that you're flandering it out of your ass to make your Sue look awesome. Screw you.

She hadn’t told the administration that she was a fluent French speaker. It was her second language. This was going to be a piece of cake.

SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 20 (Not only for being a BRILLIANT French speaker, but also for fooling the administration with her GENIUS.)

SOS: She lied about her knowledge of French in order to get into an easy class so that she'd outshine all her peers and appear a genius.


I'm sorry, I have no words in the face of...of...I don't even know what to CALL this little display!

NG55: If there was ANY indication that Nami WAS NOT an attention whore, then that is now stomped on. SHE IS AN ATTENTION WHORE!

Nami began writing, her troubles from earlier forgotten.


Mantra: (Sue) Ian? What Ian? THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ME TO SHOW OFF! I must capitalise on it!

NG55: Just as I thought. Never mentioned again!

That is until the door of the classroom opened and in walked Emmett and Jasper. Nami dropped her pen in shock. Before she could get it, a massive pale hand placed it on her desk.

“Here you go, Nami.” Emmett grinned, taking the seat next to her.


SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 21 (Of course, Emmett is still lovey-lovey towards her, even after that little display.)

Mantra: *Sighs* Good bye, Emmett. You tried hard, but the Sue was too powerful.

NG55: Another beloved character ruined by the Sue's (mind controlling powers of EVIL!!!) influence....*Weeps*

He was definitely in a better mood. This was impossible.


Mantra: Yes, it was impossible for Emmett to be interested in anyone as sociopathic as you. But hey, who ever said this fic was realistic?

NG55: Realistic? What's that?

How could she be sitting next to him in all the classes they had together.

Mantra: Because the Suethor is a lazy hack. Oh wait, that wasn't a question, because the Suethor is too lazy to type in a QUESTION MARK.

NG55: Why are we even sporking this.

See? I can make statements that should be questions too, Suethor!

Mantra: Well, I'm here because this is my personal purgatory, but you? You're here because of THIS following passage.

“Merci.” She chimed in a perfect French accent. She winked at the teacher who gave her a smile.


NG55: *Sighs* Now you actually have a perfect French accent. You can not only speak it, but you can master the accent. Are you trying to piss me off, Suethor? Is that what you're doing? Because you know what? I'm not going to give you that satisfaction. Not this time. I'm not going to get offended because that's not worth my time. What I am SO annoyed with is that you clearly don't know what you're talking about. And you are using the French language to make your Sue look even more like a Goddess. Screw you.

SOS: And lady, I don't know ANYTHING about French and even I know Merci means thank you and can speak it well enough to have French people understand me. It's really not that impressive for someone who's a FLUENT French speaker.

Emmett saw the exchange and raised an eyebrow.

“That’s illegal.” He mouthed smirking.

SOS: Now, that's a VERY valid accusation - it is illegal, and it's immoral, too. It takes advantage of the other children who are trying to learn and it is abusing the Educational system. Let's see how the Sue defends herself, shall we?

“Screw off.” She mouthed back.

Mantra: Well, I think that calls for an explosion. Everyone say it with me:


NG55: Did I mention I can't stand when characters do that?

SOS: No one can stand when characters do that.

His expression changed several times, until it settled on amused. He hadn’t expected her to use such language.


Mantra: No, he just hadn't expect you to be quite as despicable as you are. I'm sure he thought you'd just settle for preening in the centre of the crowd - he had no idea you'd break the law and put CHILDREN down in order to get there.

NG55: Screw off? Oh please. You live in the 21st Century, Emmett. And you've seen how swearing and language has evolved over the decades. I think you wouldn't be FAZED.

She stuck her tongue out at him, causing him to chuckle silently.


SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 27 (Yes, I’m basically going to give a point for every time Emmett treats this Sue with intrigue and love instead of incredulity and most normal people. Prepare for this count to be very, VERY high.)

Mantra: (Emmett) Oh, she thinks SCREW is a dirty word. What a girl...

NG55: (Emmett) Wow. She really thinks she was mature with that gesture?

She turned back to her paper, continuing to write the paper. She was actually done, but she was prepared to write ten pages just to ignore him.


SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 29 (One for being done, and another one for implying that she can write a ten-page essay on third-world economy in French without any prior research.)

Mantra: Aaaand promptly blow your cover and reveal how you're a fluent speaker. Brilliant.

SOS: Also, essays don't work like that. You can't just SPONTANEOUSLY decide to write more pages! There's a structure and THEME to those things! You can't afford to dither on! If you written everything that you thought SHOULD be discussed, then it's pretty damned hard to make it any longer!

Essay writing isn't just vomiting words onto a page! You can't just randomly write more pages! If you're done, you're done!

NG55: If you're done and don't want to deal with him (can't imagine why), then just do something else! Doodle! Read a book!

Jasper chuckled from behind her. She had forgotten all about him, even unintentionally blocking out his thoughts.


SHAMELESS SELF PRAISE: 30 (Or when any character finds an annoying or aggravating gesture endearing, really.)






NG55: *Double Facepalm* This is insane. And we're expected to LIKE this story? This character? Because I sure as hell don't.

He could tell her emotions, which at the moment was extremely annoyed. Nami took a deep silent breath. She was bored.



Mantra: And here we go! An emotional 180 in the span of 5 words! Isn't this SUCH a great story?

NG55: *Deadpan* Absolutely. Right up there with making a Sue switch from Shrinking Violet to Action Girl with no build up or reason.

The only people done with the work were Jasper, Emmett and herself.


Mantra: Um, excuse me? Didn't they walk in class, like, two minutes ago? Even if they knew enough information to write the paper, they'd have to still, you know, WRITE IT DOWN. Probably at human speed to avoid detection! So...how can they be finished? Just how short is that paper - three sentences?

NG55: *Snicker* They must have a Jedi Mind Trick up their sleeves!

Go Forward to: Chapter 5, Part 2

Go Back to: Chapter 4

butterflywarmth, ng55, ignorance is bliss, sos, mantra, twilight

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