All my fic is now over at my fic journal
thestrokeofapen so go on over and make yourself at home, see if there's anything you've missed!
My main journal is now Friends Locked.
If you'd like to be added, make a comment here, let me know how you found me.
Comments 15
I love your fanfics - their awesomee.
You're added! Welcome to madhouse, I don't update that often and when I do it's mostly fic which is cross posted like crazy.
I don't update my journal nearly as often as she does, but *shameless self-pimping follows* you can find my fic over at innervation if you get bored waiting!
I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours!
*snicker snicker*
so I think about it,than through spnnewsletter I finale found you.ha-ha
plzplzplz add me,fingers crossing....
Thank your friends for their kind words about my fanfics. They're all posted over at innervation if you'd like to read them.
I'm not really sure how EXACTLY I found you but it was something like... I read bloodkisses fanfic at the sam/dean archive, got to her writing LJ and stumbled over your user name repeatedly. And so I thought I'd like to talk to you. *shrugs* That's all there is, really. Friend me, please?
Ok, you're friended!
I'm not a particularly prolific journaler and my writing-fu has deserted me these last few months. Still, you'll find me popping up on your f-list from time to time with random thoughts!
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