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Ronald + Any Meister knick_knox May 8 2011, 22:37:13 UTC
[Ronald happened to be a little late to the meet this morning. Having just started a new job, it had kept him out late, not that he hadn't had an amazing time, but well he rolled out of bed, looked at the clock and threw some clothes on and rushed out the door. If you look closely you can see he missed a couple of buttons on his shirt.]


disculpate May 9 2011, 01:26:25 UTC
... Are you alright?


knick_knox May 9 2011, 18:06:36 UTC
Huh. [He look momentarily confused but quickly smiles.] Quite alright! Just running a bit late is all.


disculpate May 10 2011, 01:38:56 UTC
Oh. [ there's a moment of hesitation, like he's not sure if he should mention it, but - ] Your shirt's not buttoned up right, did you know?


knick_knox May 10 2011, 18:31:31 UTC
Aaah! [He quickly goes to fix this.] Thank you. I probably wouldn't have noticed until half the day was over. Heh.


disculpate May 11 2011, 01:09:37 UTC
It's no problem. [ ... ] I guess you're not really a morning person?


waitsforspring May 9 2011, 02:55:02 UTC
[ Hikaru recognizes him as the video game guy, and takes note of his dishevelment so decides to strike up a conversation. ]

Not a morning person either?


knick_knox May 9 2011, 18:07:57 UTC
[Rubbing the back of his head he gives a sheepish grin.] That obvious, huh? Not particularly, especially since I started working nights.


waitsforspring May 9 2011, 18:42:47 UTC
Well it was either that or you haven't learned how to dress yourself yet. [ he laughs and gestures to the shirt. ] I thought I'd give you the benefit of the doubt.


knick_knox May 9 2011, 19:05:27 UTC
[Wait, what?] Dress myself? [He quickly glances himself over. He's had this nightmare before, showing up to work without pants or a shirt and William giving him insane amounts of overtime.]

I have all my clothes...

[He hasn't noticed the buttons yet.]


waitsforspring May 9 2011, 19:52:20 UTC
[ that just cracks him up a little. After he has a good laugh, he pokes at one of the missing buttons. ]

No, no! These.


knick_knox May 9 2011, 19:59:43 UTC
[Ronald looks terribly confused at first. He hadn't realized he'd done something so hilarious. But then when Hikaru points out the buttons his face heats up a little. He also laughs though.]

Oh wow. That's embarrassing. Heh. Thanks for pointing it out. [He quickly fixes the buttons.]


waitsforspring May 9 2011, 20:35:37 UTC
[ He waves a hand a little bit. ] It's no big deal.

Better me than some pretty girl I guess.


knick_knox May 9 2011, 20:47:51 UTC
Oh god, that's true. Boy, the Knox charm would've gone right out the window there. [He rubbed the back of his neck.]


waitsforspring May 9 2011, 23:40:13 UTC
Oh, so you're a lady killer huh? [ he grins some and gives a shrug ] I won't tell anyone.

Have you tried out that resonate thing yet?


knick_knox May 10 2011, 18:34:38 UTC
I wouldn't say 'lady killer' [He grins a bit himself] more of a charmer I'd like to think.

[Running a hand through his hair to make sure it wasn't a terrible mess he shrugs.] I haven't yet. I've been being a loaf mostly. After my arm healed from Halloween I decided I should probably do something about it.


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