I completely agree with you that a doctor who is not your reg doctor shouldn't be trying to pressure you into genetic testing (especially since its up to you AND it can have a chance of miscarrige to boot). I also think that selective reduction shouldn't be concidered unless theres a serious risk to you. If this is the way you feel then you should tell your normal doctor and most likely they will support you and hopefully encourage the other doctor(s) to leave you alone about it. Either way you should not feel bad for ignoring these other doctors advice.
Uhm, first of all, I would have marched my ass right back into the waiting room and told the nurse at registration that if I didn't get a doctor who started fucking listening to what I was saying, they could kiss that doctor visit bill goodbye.
Omfg, just reading what you put made me so angry, because the same thing used to happen to my mom when she was pregnant with me and my sister. I'm really pissed off just from reading what you wrote.
I'll post later when I'm calm and give you good advice >.>
WTF selective reduction with twins???? never freaken even heard of that, with 4,5, or 6 babies sure but twins or triplets in this day and age I don't think it's even nessecary unless there's something wrong with one baby that's totally effecting the other's health, but even then. I don't agree with selective reduction at all really. What an ass of a doctor to first not even know what you were there for, second to try and do a full exam and waste your time when he's not even your regular OB, three to even mention genetic testing ect. Why couldn't he just treat your UTI and send you on the way, no need for all the rest of the junk. Plus he didn't even know how far along you were, did you ask him if he was sure he had read your chart, let alone did he even have the right chart. This doctor was a complete joke.. Makes me mad when doctors are like this, now I know why my next baby I am getting a midwife as much as I actually liked our doctor.
Comments 5
Uhm, first of all, I would have marched my ass right back into the waiting room and told the nurse at registration that if I didn't get a doctor who started fucking listening to what I was saying, they could kiss that doctor visit bill goodbye.
Omfg, just reading what you put made me so angry, because the same thing used to happen to my mom when she was pregnant with me and my sister. I'm really pissed off just from reading what you wrote.
I'll post later when I'm calm and give you good advice >.>
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