Hello, Soul Campaign! This post will be for the event happening at the turn of November 1 in-game, or March 28 IRL.
Things to know:
- The event will begin at the start of November 1. Approximately March 28 IRL.
- It will last a couple of hours in-game, but will take up most of a week IRL to allow for better pacing.
- We will make an OOC post some time around April 2 or 3 IRL to signal the end of the event at about 2 - 3AM in-game (for appropriate posts in the network), though the day itself will continue until the normal time for day change on April 4.
Berserkers: This covers the people selected via randomizer a couple of weeks back
- The snakes will trigger the berserker effect at exactly midnight between October 31 and November 1, regardless of where the character is. The Agency folks have permission to begin making announcements on the network about these incidents as soon as day change rolls around.
- All the berserkers will be given one
vector tail. These are bladed manifestations of Medusa’s snake-like witch magic. The berserkers only get one each, as they only have one snake each also. These blades are very flexible, sharp, and can extend to distances of up to three meters. They can be destroyed or blocked, but there is a possibility for the weapon to get hurt in the process (unless with a Soul Defend meister).
- Please use this post to plot out who will be handling or running into these snaked berserkers.
Madness Wavelength:
- There will be a brief surge of Madness Wavelength within half an hour after the berserkers begin rampaging.
- Normal people will feel a sudden itch at the back of their minds compelling them to violence, but this will pass quickly enough.
- People who are more prone or vulnerable to Madness may have more adverse, berserker-like, or violent effects come upon them, including hallucinations, hearing things, and feeling sudden fear. These people may need to be restrained.
- If your character is one of these madness-sensitive people (for example: those with Insane Soul, members of the Hexed, or mentally unstable people), you can also use this post to plot with people on how to get your characters under control. How is up to you -- in some instances, it is possible to snap them out of it with a blow or words, while in other cases, exposing them to the Calming Wavelength (which means dragging them to Shibusen’s CW technicians) will be necessary. You can also opt to just beat them up or tie them up...
Further information about Madness is here. Villain Attack:
- Several known villains will be attacking the city while it is distracted by the snaked berserkers. This group includes: Eruka the Frog (witch), Free (werewolf), and Giriko (deathscythe/enchanter). Oh, and Medusa will be watching.
- They will be making for Shibusen to cause some mischief there, which will be unveiled at a later time.
- The distraction will work according to their plan and they will be able to succeed with their goal, but encounters with these villains on their way out of the city can be plotted here.
If you have questions about the event, please ask
here or email us at soulcampaign@gmail.com.
Note: All the Deathscythes except for Spirit will be out of the city at this time.