Tell us about yourself~
Name: Des
Gender: Female, but I think like a male sometimes.
Likes: Roleplay ■ Ramen & Ice Cream (They're the same category cause I tend to chase a bowl of ramen with a bowl of ice cream, the sweet cold creaminess nulls out the hot salty water and thus leaving me in a nice, neutral state) ■ Fireworks ■ Acting ■ Administration of Justice studies (currently taking fingerprint analysis) ■ Japanese ■ Slacking off ■ Solitude (If nobody's around, then I can run around without any pants! b*_*b) ■ VOCALOID (both listening to other people's songs and dicking around with the program itself... I'm no good at it though, music ain't my forte) ■ Myself! ■ My fans. ;D lol that wink was a typo but I AM KEEPING IT. hey baby. How YOU doin'.
Dislikes: Rain ■ Small talk ■ Pet lovers who do things like call dogs and cats their "children" ,let them eat at the table, and fawn loudly over them in public... It REALLY gets on my nerves. Animals are NOT people. ...EVER. ■ Teenage anime fans who act all elitist and snobby towards tweenage anime fans (WHO ARE JUST HAVING FUN) cause they think they're soooo cool and their fandom is suuuuch serious business. Kids are retarded. D< lawl I'm such a hypocrite ■ People who vote without giving a reason. .... **beat. Damon Gant stare. AT YOU** ■ Pessimism! ■ People who don't stand up for themselves! ■ Especially if said people let me walk all over them and then get all butthurt about it. Dude. Their fault for not saying anything.
Fears: In all seriousness? I'm afraid of going insane. I just deleted a big section of rambling because it's too much information on that topic. But. Let's just say that I think it's a possibility. My mind is a disturbing place sometimes.
One thing you like about yourself: I'm egotistical as fuck. There isn't a single thing about my personality or looks that I can say I explicitly dislike. So my favorite thing about myself is that I love myself. I'm not like all those poor bastards that can't live in their own skin. How can you even function like that? But I'm kind of dark and eccentric, so I can understand people who dislike things about me.
Strengths: Confident ■ Unique ■ Analytical ■ Carefree ■ Sense of humor ■ Generous ■ Lucky ■ Articulate
Weaknesses: Reckless ■ Arrogant ■ Insensitive (I'm trying to work on that though...!) ■ Lazy ■ Unobservant ■ Forgetful ■ Argumentative ■ Though I AM artistic and good at copying people, I don't think I'm ACTUALLY very creative. :I But that's one of those things that nobody could tell cause I'm good at what I do.
Looks[pictures optional]:
ahahaha no but seriously
Now, Let's play a game of Choose to get to know you a little better, shall we?
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I can fluxuate between realistic, and stupidly optimistic. Depends on which helps my argument.
Outgoing or Shy: This one is hard. I wouldn't call myself shy, but I'm very selective when it comes to who I'm going to talk to. I don't want to be best buddies with the whole damn world, but I can be quite energetic and loquatious around people with similar interests. If it looks like we have something in common, there's a decent chance that I'll mention it. Of course, some times I just don't feel like it, so I won't anyway. Even with friendly intentions, I think it can be annoying if people start talking to you out of the blue, so I don't always want to put other people in that situation. I wait to see if they look like they're bored, or mutually interested in me.
Think before you act or do immediately?: I'm pretty impulsive, but it's probably a little of both.
Mean or Super nice: Ueheheh.... depends on the person, but by default, I'm kinda rude. Worm your way into my heart, though, and I'll treat you like royalty.
Modest or Fucking Confident?: Option 2 8DDDDDD
Long range or close range combat?: Long ranged, but I want to have good defenses too, just in case someone gets in close.
7 or 8?: Notice how I have 8 strengths and 8 weaknesses, exactly. It was intentional.
Now, we have a few questions to ask you.
If you were to hang out with anyone in Souleater for a day who would it be and why?: **taps fingers on the desk** .... Maybe Stein or Kid. I think they would be the ones most likely to share my intellectual interests, but Stein would be advantageous because his humor is a lot like mine so we'd probably enjoy each other's company. Kid would be advantageous because we'd go check out some art or something, and maybe I could get a ride on that skateboard of his. It's seriously awesome.
If you were to BE one of the Souleater kids for a day, who would you be and why?: ... It has to be one of the KIDS? Dammit, I wanted to be Excalibur.
... Well. Since you said kids... I would turn into Maka and suddenly feel motivated to do ALL of my homework! \o/ I'd just get my little Maka-ass in gear, wouldn't I? Let's just hope this day is conveniently timed around a big project. Maka!Des can one-shot the whole thing, and then I'll just slack off the rest of the month.
Who do you think you'll get along with and why?: I think I'd get along well with Soul and Liz, cause they seem kinda like the friends I already have, and they're laid-back, probably wouldn't be bothered by my stranger habits. Especially not Liz, since she's used to Kid, and I'm not as bad as he is. '-'
Who do you think you'll get along least with and why?: Chrona and Tsubaki are the sort of people I really don't like to be around - if I was around Chrona, I'd like, gang up on him with Ragnarok cause he acts so pathetic, and Tsubaki... would be boring as hell cause there's no clash. Black Star and I would butt heads because we both have large egoes and are pretty competitive, but I could also see us in a friendly rivalry, so I dunno. Another one - Me and Kid could really get along in some areas, and really disagree in others. I'm not a neat person, but I think as long as neither of us had a look at each other's living space, we could be good friends. '-'
One of your friends is in trouble. You are the only one who knows where they are. Do you go tell someone and help them with a group of people, or go and rush to help them yourself?: Depends on what's appropriate for the situation. If I can do it myself, I'll go myself. If I can't, I'll get help. Simple as that, you just have to use discretion.
There's a test coming up! Oh no! What are you doing knowing there is a test coming up?[do you study, leave it, what?]: I absorb knowledge incredibly well, so as long as I paid attention to the lectures in class, I do well on tests without ever taking notes or looking at the textbook. Studying just seems tedious and unnecessary, so I'd rather have fun.
Your choice of weapon: This may seem strange coming from a Soul Eater fan, but I'm very, very impartial when it comes to weaponry. However, I'm pretty in tune with MYSELF, and highly confident, so I think if I was in Soul Eater, I could master those direct wavelength attacks.
If I must pick a weapon though, I'd choose guns/cannons. Simplistic, but effective. I don't have any desire to wield some over-the-top fancy weaponry, and though swords are simplistic... blah. I don't much care for extreme sword-liking people, so it's sort of made me dislike swords as well. They're a geek weapon. However, guns are badass no matter how you slice it. ... And I added "cannons" because I like pirates, and cannons are piratey guns. :D
Oh well thats it.
Anything else you want to add: I'm an aspie, if that means anything to anyone. *shrug* O.o
Suggestions on how to improve this community? Um. No clue, stop being dead? xD
How'd you find us o-o?: I actually joined this community AGES ago, voted on a few people, and then never got around to writing my app. Derp. 8D So I really don't know, but I probably just interest-searched for Soul Eater or whatevs.
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