Tell us about yourself~
Name: Nai
Gender: Female
Likes: my wife, eating, sleeping, singing, having left my crappy job, drawing, video editing, blades, reading quietly under a tree on a sunny day, scythes, taking naps in the sun, cats, video games, sushi, Christmas lights, stars, oranges
Dislikes: arrogant people, idiotic people, players, people who only judge by appearance rather than get to know them, homophobes, my parents because for many years of my life they couldn't see things (my sexuality) my way
Fears: being abandoned, failing, bee stings, being incompetent
One thing you like about yourself: Despite the things I've been through, I've always been able to stand back up and go on. I guess the one thing would be my fighting spirit and my ferocity when protecting my friends.
Strengths: aggressive, I'm true to my beliefs and will fight for them no matter what, I'm fiercely loyal to my select friends and it's not wise for anyone to insult them or me, even then underneath I guess I can be sweet, I'm pretty much a kid still, I'll always lend an ear to someone and give advice when they need it. I've been told I give off an aura that anyone can trust me, I am honest to a fault so that may be true ^^;.
Weaknesses: I'm short, I worry way way too much about unimportant things, one track minded, can be a bit selfish once and awhile, short fused, blunt, I will always speak my mind whether people like it or not, oh and I can be super competitive and sometimes a perfectionist oh and I'm stubborn beyond reason
Looks[pictures optional]:
Now, Let's play a game of Choose to get to know you a little better, shall we?
Optimistic or Pessimistic: realistic, it is what it is, I just deal with it, I can stand up either way
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing somewhat yet shy in some situations, I'd rather just keep to myself and my few friends.
Think before you act or do immediately?: both, depends on the situation. I like assessing a situation to see the best course of action, however, if someone I care about is in trouble I act immediately.
Mean or Super nice: Tsundere, I have a temper and it's not always wise to irritate me, but for the most part I try to be nice to everyone. It takes a lot to make me actually hate someone, that is unless they do something horribly bad to me or harm my friends.
Modest or Fucking Confident?: Modestly confident! Yeah...that makes absolute sense. I can't stand arrogance though.
Long range or close range combat?: close combat
7 or 8?: Seven, I just like that number ok?
Now, we have a few questions to ask you.
If you were to hang out with anyone in Souleater for a day who would it be and why?: Crona, she's adorable and shy and I love shy people.
If you were to BE one of the Souleater kids for a day, who would you be and why?: Maka, I love scythes. They're sexy.
Who do you think you'll get along with and why?: Crona, nice quiet shy and adorable <3
Who do you think you'll get along least with and why?: Black Star, arrogance gets on my nerves. Chances are we'd butt heads. He'd say something arrogant and I'd tell him off haha.
One of your friends is in trouble. You are the only one who knows where they are. Do you go tell someone and help them with a group of people, or go and rush to help them yourself?: I'd go head first myself knowing me...I'd certainly risk my life for a friend.
There's a test coming up! Oh no! What are you doing knowing there is a test coming up?[do you study, leave it, what?]: Probably leave it to the last minute, cram right before the test and somehow miraculously ace it. There were times I would study ahead of time, depends if I'm competing with someone in class, like what happened in Algebra...
Your choice of weapon: scythe
Oh well thats it.
Anything else you want to add: No, not really.
Suggestions on how to improve this community? Uhh...cake?
How'd you find us o-o?: searching for soul eater
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