- 120th tide | | sinful -

Oct 08, 2010 12:15


[That's a very uncharacteristic grin Umi's flashing at the camera: a lot like the one those who know her will identify as her teasing one, but ten times more mischievous and, obviously, FLIRTY.]

...I've always said this place makes us put off IMPORTANT STUFF, but really! Talk about not paying attention to things that matter. Looks like ( Read more... )

come and get it, what she gets for ignoring romance, halp, wtf city, lust, someone stop her, brb feeling sexy, hot stuff, she'll hate herself come midnight, about to regret this forever, so much for clueless, wishing ascot was around, seven deadly sins, sorry presea, mun is going to hell, teen hormones blazing, sexy tiemz, ...dear god, oh clee~eef

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Comments 467

thuggincornrows October 8 2010, 16:34:05 UTC
Well damn, why don't you just tell the whole damn city yo dildos ran out of batteries?


soulofocean October 8 2010, 16:35:28 UTC
Sorry, Riley. I'd ask for a translation! But then again this isn't kiddy business...


thuggincornrows October 8 2010, 16:55:35 UTC
Yeah yeah, I heard all that shit before.

A dildo is a tool used by women for... self-gratification and all I'm sayin' is you might be in dire need of one right now. So you need to stop. Go to the store. Get one. And stop talkin' crazy, you trippin'.


1/3 soulofocean October 8 2010, 16:58:31 UTC
Wh-?? A... MACHINE?? For-?! [Those are... emergency measures. To say the least.]


action; conductyourself October 8 2010, 16:47:38 UTC

[ After some internal debate, Clef went looking for her. After all, if she's cursed it would be better to know now rather than to have her do something that everyone would regret. Besides, even if she was cursed, he had nothing to worry about, right? His body type isn't exactly one most people consider sexy. ]


action; 1/2 soulofocean October 8 2010, 16:51:44 UTC

[She turns to him with a bit of surprise. Curse or not, her mind can still process concepts such as "already dating someone" and "unavailable". Not that he wasn't among the possibilities she just brainstormed.]

---Okay, that was fast.


action; 2/3 in quite a fact, for suspense soulofocean October 8 2010, 16:52:43 UTC
[...Wait... something's off... She usually wouldn't be entertaining these thoughts about CLEF. Clef, of all people...]


action; 3/3 soulofocean October 8 2010, 16:53:13 UTC
[Well, whatever. Have a very out of place, very flirtatious grin, Guru.]

Hey there, Clef! What, did you want to see me?


Video eagleofautozam October 8 2010, 16:59:33 UTC
That… is a very unusual post, Umi. Are you feeling alright today?


Video 1/2 soulofocean October 8 2010, 17:02:01 UTC
[Oh hey, Eagle. Suddenly she notices how handsome you are. Have a grin.]

I'll feel MUCH better when I fix a couple of things.


Video soulofocean October 8 2010, 17:02:39 UTC
I see you're much more awake today! Did you enjoy your little nap by the fountain the other day? I didn't mind it THAT MUCH.


Video eagleofautozam October 8 2010, 17:09:57 UTC
[ With new found respect for what that other version of himself had to deal with… ]

I don’t believe randomly falling asleep and being unable to wake up again… would ever be something I would enjoy.

Still, I wanted to thank you for keeping an eye on me the other day. I would have thanked you and Presea then however…

[He had of course fallen asleep again before he could. ]


pharles_at_life October 8 2010, 17:06:28 UTC
You're looking for a boyfriend, Umi?

[ What say what. ]


soulofocean October 8 2010, 17:11:54 UTC
[Probably yours, if nothing else's at hand.]

Sort of. I don't know. It's funny how you wake up to realize what you've been missing!


pharles_at_life October 8 2010, 17:20:31 UTC
[ Oooh boy what a day. ]

So you just felt like this when you woke up. [ I am beginning to concoct a theory... ]


soulofocean October 8 2010, 17:56:27 UTC
[Midnight can't come any time sooner.]

Could be I've been feeling like this for MONTHS, just bottling it all up inside! Today it just... hit me up the head. Wake up call, like I said. Funny, huh?


voice; cursed_ninja October 8 2010, 18:56:05 UTC
How is that more important?


voice; OMG SORA I apologize so much ;; soulofocean October 8 2010, 18:58:37 UTC
...Sasuke? Well, look at THAT. Things are looking up! I'd say you're all kinds of my type.


voice; what. don't apologize. /is totally okay with this cursed_ninja October 8 2010, 19:06:04 UTC
Your type?


voice; ahahaha alright XDDD soulofocean October 8 2010, 19:11:04 UTC
Meaning strong, good fighter, older than me... maybe a pinch on the stoic, brooding side. Perfect fit or what?


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