Yep, that was when I didn't even really know NEWS yet, I had just randomly bought the tickets because I knew I would be in Japan then and had nothing to do. I only knew Ryo from 1 Litre of Tears at that point, but I thought he was cute so I got the ticket for his solo con. ^^
Definitely make a list! I'm sure your list will kill mine.
OMG thats a super impressive list you've got there! O.O Are you going to get tix for w-inds. 2008 concert? i'm actually sourcing for tickets since i've waited FOREVER to see w-inds. and this year's the only year i'll be able to take time + money off hahaha omg would be great if you could get back! (:
Depending on if I'm still in Japan, I'll get tickets. I won't know for another few weeks if I'll be in Japan for another year or not. But sorry, I can't help you get a ticket. I've done it before and it's just a huge pain for me, so I'll only do it for close friends. There are plenty of ways to get tickets off of the auctions and other ticket sites, which is how I got my tickets before I moved to Japan and joined the FC.
aww thats a real pity! ut ita ok, i understand the hassle:) just thought i'd try my luck hahah oooh u'r studying in japan? i thought u lived there^^ that should be interesting yea! u mentioned ticket sites.. ano, which tix sites? ="=
I am living here, but I decided not to renew my contract at my current job. I applied to graduate school in the US so if I get accepted I'll be moving back to the US for two or so years, but if I don't get accepted I'll be moving to Tokyo to start a new job.
I used Yahoo Japan auctions a lot before I moved here to get w-inds. tickets and I never had a problem with it. There is also
Comments 48
I didn't know when you went to Ryo's solo concert!! ^_^
It makes me want to make my own list now...can I copy your idea?
Definitely make a list! I'm sure your list will kill mine.
that is sooo amazing!!! すごい!!
must have been killer for your wallet ne~
oh what fandom does to us...
Are you going to get tix for w-inds. 2008 concert? i'm actually sourcing for tickets since i've waited FOREVER to see w-inds. and this year's the only year i'll be able to take time + money off hahaha omg would be great if you could get back! (:
I used Yahoo Japan auctions a lot before I moved here to get w-inds. tickets and I never had a problem with it. There is also
>.> you want to Machi Masu!!!1 I wanted to go there ;____;
That's great, stay there and wait, as I told you before we should go to a concert together!!!!
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