Hosung Shim. The Zunghar Conquest of Central Tibet and its Influence on Tibetan Military Institutions in the 18th Century // Asian Influences on Tibetan Military History between the 17th and 20th Centuries. Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, 53, 2020. First, a Manchu letter sent out to the Khalkha Mongol princes, which includes a description of the battle at Lake Khotong-nuur (located in the midst of the Altai Mountains) in 1731, clearly states that:
At present, what we clearly know about the Zunghar forces is that Zunghar men are incompetent on horseback. [On horseback,] they are unable to shoot arrows. [In the battle of Khotong-nuur,] they depended entirely on the way that they stirred other people (i.e. enemies) by taking lances and rushing upon them in several squads.
A deposition by a Zunghar petty officer named Boguya (Ma. Bogoya) also demonstrates another important aspect of the use of lances by the Zunghars. In this testimony, Boguya was offering the Qing commanders military advice on how to defeat the Zunghars. In part, it reads:
When it comes to the vanguard forces, musketeers are useless. … Since your arrows are frightening, if a half [of the vanguard troops] are composed of soldiers using lances and the other half [of them] are archers, it will be good. Previously, there were only a few lances in your troops [i.e. the Qing forces]. In my view, lances are very important. When using a lance, if [a soldier] holds the shaft of it under his armpit and then places the two thirds of the shaft in front while putting [the remaining] one third behind, he will obtain strength in wielding the lance. If [the part of the shaft which is placed] in front is longer [than the two thirds of the shaft], although [a soldier] wields the lance [intensely], on the one hand, he cannot obtain [enough] might, and, on the other hand, [the movement of the lance] will slow down and be useless.
П.К. Услар. Четыре месяца в Киргизской степи // Отечественные записки, 1848, № 10. Том LX. Несмотря на эту трусость, киргизы наши разоделись в поход так же великолепно, как на праздник. Многие из них не заменили даже своих нарядных халатов из алого сукна другою какою-нибудь одеждою, более простою и более приличною для походного времени. Это придавало странную пестроту нашему отряду. Красные платки, которыми обвернуты были головы многих, очень шли к смуглым лицам их и напоминали собою турецкие фески. На других надеты были черкесские шапки, с мохнатым околышком, таких преувеличенных размеров, что вся шапка походила на колоссальный ненапудренный парик времен Фронды и Лудовика XIV. Впрочем, все это относится только к тем, которые были побогаче и рады случаю блеснуть перед русскими офицерами роскошью своих нарядов. Все остальные одеты были в лохмотья, которыми не совсем удавалось им прикрывать свою наготу. Главное вооружение этих воинов состояло в пике, то есть в предлинной жерди, к которой прикреплен железный наконечник. У многих, пики эти были до того длинны, что, вероятно, действовать ими чрезвычайно затруднительно; но каждый киргиз полагает род point d’honneur в том, чтоб перещеголять своего товарища длиною пики. Сверх того, многие вооружены были топорами с длинною рукояткою, саблями самых разнообразных видов и, наконец, некоторые ружьями с фитилем вместо кремня или пистона.
Железнов И. Уральцы. Очерки быта уральских казаков. Часть I. 1858 У Киргизов вообще пики длинные, длиннее казачьих вполтора, если не больше. При нападении Киргиз держит пику за самый почти конец, упирая его под мышку, или по крайней мере, прижимая его под мышкой и напрягая при том всю силу, чтобы соблюсти равновесие и удержать другой, острый, конец, т.е. лезвие пики в горизонтальном положении. Эту манеру киргизы основывают на том, что так можно дальше достать неприятеля.
Giuseppe Castiglione. Ayusi Sweeping Bandits with a Lance. Ayusi (birth and death dates unknown) was a Mongol Dzungar who submitted to and later fought for the Qing court.
Алексей Пастухов и Андрей Щербаков. Батальная китайская живопись James Baillie Fraser. Narrative of a journey into Khorasan, in the years 1821 and 1822. Including some account of the countries to the north-east of Persia; with remarks upon the national character, government, and resources of that kingdom. 1825 Arms used by the Toorkomans. The arms used by these tribes are chiefly the spear and the sword; the former consists of a steel head with four flutes and edges very sharp, fixed upon a slender shaft of from eight to ten feet in length: in using it they couch it under the left arm, and direct it with the right hand, either straight forward, or to the right or to the left; if to the right, the butt of the shaft lies across the hinder part of the saddle; if to the left, the fore part of the spear rests on the horse’s neck: they manage their horses with the left hand, but most of them are so well broke as to obey the movement of the knee, or the impulse of the body: when close to their object, they frequently grasp the spear with both hands to give greater effect to the thrust. This is quite contrary to the practice in the Indian spear exercise, in which the weapon, fourteen to sixteen feet long, is poised in the grasp with the arm bent and uplifted, as if to dart it, and the blow is only given by the motion of the arm from the elbow downwards, the horse being kept at a gentle canter, so as readily to obey the rider’s will: here the horse, spurred to the full speed of a charge, offers an attack no doubt very formidable in appearance, but perhaps less really dangerous than the other in which success depends so greatly on skill and address.
Несколько фотографий синьцзянских калмыков,
сделанных К. Маннергеймом в 1907-м.
The Crusades, 1050-1300 // Kelly DeVries and Robert D. Smith. Medieval weapons: an illustrated history of their impact. 2007 A major change in this period, and one that was eventually to have a far-reaching effect, was the introduction of the lance and its use as an offensive weapon from around 1150. This important change was to influence the way armies fought for the next four centuries. Essentially, there was a change from using the spear as a throwing weapon to using the lance as a thrusting weapon and the parallel development of what is frequently referred to as the use of mounted shock tactics. It is, perhaps, worthwhile to look at this important development and this weapon and its use in more detail. In the Bayeux Tapestry the spear is a weapon made of wood of perhaps 6-7 feet (1.8-2.1 meters) long with a leaf-shaped head that was sometimes barbed. It was held either at the side of the body or in an over arm position and was essentially thrown at the enemy at a suitable close range. The rider would then draw his sword and continue the attack. The lance was a little longer - around 9-10 feet (2.7-3 meters) - and sturdier and was held under the arm, couched, and gripped in such a way that it could be used to thrust and charge at the enemy, keeping hold of the lance the whole time.
К вопросу - "откуда могли браться навыки работы с такой многометровой удочкой".
Все та же бытовая рутина. Если уж человек способен управляться с многометровой укрючиной на грани акробатики...
Пастухов А. Бобров Л. «Циньдин Хуанъюй Сиюй тучжи» как источник по вооружению и военной символике населения Центральной Азии середины XVIII в // Былые годы. №16(2). 2021 Бобров Л.А., Пастухов А.М. Вооружение и знамена мусульманского населения Восточного Туркестана и сопредельных территорий середины XVIII в. по материалам «Циньдин Хуанъюй Сиюй тучжи». Монголоведение. 2021;13(2) Бобров Л.А., Пастухов А.М. Вооружение и знамена ойратов Джунгарии середины XVIII в. по материалам «Циньдин Хуанъюй Сиюй тучжи». Oriental Studies. 2021;14(4) Linney C.A. The origins and formation of the first british lancer regiments 1793-1823 // Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research. Vol. 68, No. 274 (Summer 1990)