A few days off, fandom edition

Jul 24, 2013 18:20

I've spent the past few days talking fandom and generally having a great time with my German friend hmpf, who came to visit me after attending a couple of gigs by Atoms for Peace here in Italy. We had a blast: we watched music vids, LoM & Farscape episodes, trolled Tumblr and bounced fic bunnies and plot advice towards each other until late at night ( Read more... )

fanfiction, writing, friends, fandom, life on mars, farscape

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Comments 3

nicelyobsessed August 27 2013, 15:29:48 UTC
How is your writing going?


space_oddity_75 August 28 2013, 08:36:19 UTC
Unfortunately, I had no time whatsoever to write my fics this summer, because I worked all the time, even if I was supposed to be on holiday. :(

Hopefully, I'll be able to write something in the next few weeks, if I find some spare time between school, work, family and assorted other committments. I have two Cabin Pressure fics in the works, plus a dozen old Life on Mars fics I never got to finish before and really want to get off my chest. *crosses fingers*


nicelyobsessed August 28 2013, 09:11:24 UTC
I hope you'll be able to do it! *crossed fingers*


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