Hey, i'm working to get the pics up, I've been working crazy overtime this week and haven't gotten but two minutes to do anything but work, eat, and sleep yet this week. So hopefully I'll get the rest up soon. I actually managed to get the first few up on flickr like monday or tuesday, but so far that's all i've gotten
I hate this. I'm bloated, i'm craving random things one second then nothing the next. My boobs are so big my bras don't fit. I have to pee like every 30 minutes. If my period is this bad, i don't even want to contemplate pregnancy. Course, I don't plan to be comtemplating that for a few years,but anyways, this is about updating this thing on
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1. to the black male 'gangsta' in the white benz with the super-tinted windows tailgating me/cutting me off/driving like a 90+ mph maniac: I guess its a good thing your license plate is "C GOD WK"; the fact that you haven't crashed yet is a miracle. I guess I HAVE just seen god work
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