Man, these shows. They give me all the feels.
Artemis! Kaldur! Kaldur really isn't a bad guy! And only Dick, Wally, and Artemis know about it! I wonder now if Dick had intended to talk to Kaldur about the mission in the scene when we first found out, if Conner hadn't followed him down. And man, Conner leaving M'gann because she apparently makes a habit of shredding the minds of criminals. And she tried it on him. Damn, she had to have been both desperate and lost to have tried to alter Conner's mind, given his hatred of mind control and his familiarity with her psionic touch.
This show. Just. Wow.
I'm very glad that they didn't actually kill Artemis. I was not happy at the idea. Also was not looking forward to
joyfulfeather's reaction. I'll have to be careful not to give anything away when we watch. I wasn't sure how I could avoid giving stuff away if she actually died, simply because I would have been unable to be adequately enthusiastic about watching it. Of course, the fact that I loved the ep and will be pushing her to watch the ep as soon as she gets back in town will probably be a giveaway that she survived, but whatever. I do the best I can!
Also? There will be so much fallout on Dick in particular when the rest of the team and the League find out that he faked her death and that Kaldur didn't really go darkside. Some on Wally as well, but Dick's in charge, and is the mastermind behind this, so most of it will come on him. Orin will probably have serious trouble getting over not being told about Kaldur not actually turning. M'gann and Conner will have trouble forgiving them for Artemis. And Dick will probably catch some of this from his own family, since Babs and Tim don't seem to be in the know. Although, being Bats, those two are probably going to be the easiest with keeping secrets like this for the sake of the mission than most of the others, so maybe they won't take it so badly.
I really have to wonder if they are foreshadowing Speedy as Arsenal, what with the speculation at the beginning about both Bart and Speedy becoming the team's responsibility. Bart joining the team is obvious, but since Roy seems like he's going to keep the Red Arrow title, I do have to wonder if Speedy will recover and want revenge on the Light and end up becoming Arsenal. It would fit, and it would be awesome.
I also like the insinuation that Dick may in fact be based in Bludhaven now, since he met the crew there at the end. I was wondering if he was really doing much city patrolling at this point or if he was mostly living in the cave and running the team full-time. I'd really, really like to see how he became Nightwing in this universe - given that Earth 16 Batman seems to be less of a douchebag than the comicsverse Batman was in Nightwing Year One, I suspect/hope that it was a bit less of a traumatic split than it was in comicsverse.
And then on to Korra
This is another show that makes me go "holy shit" basically every week. To start off - HOW IS LIN BEI FONG SO GODDAMNED AWESOME?!?!?! As much as I like all the kids, and Tenzin, I swear I think Lin (Lyn? Lynn? IMDb says Lin) is my very favorite. She's just so tough, and so badass, and amazing. I love her, and I love that this show has two awesome adult characters in her and Tenzin. I wonder if its a function of the kids being older teens in this one - if you'd had adults in Avatar, they would have been in a position of looking out for the kids, since you had ages from 12-16, but in this, since the kids are all later teens, they're legitimately old enough to be involved on their own, so it works better.
I really, really like all the kids, too, don't get me wrong. Korra is awesome and badass and I love that we're getting another kickass female heroine and that boys don't care that she's a girl, they just think she's awesome. Mako and Bolin are awesome and entertaining, and they're doing a good job of doing the same thing with Bolin that they did with Sokka, making the comic relief character still be very competent, cause being the team clown doesn't mean he has to be the team load. I love Asami, and hope that the love triangle doesn't screw the team dynamics up too badly, and love that she's so badass and awesome and the character (again, like Sokka, or maybe more like Suki) that reminds the all-powerful benders that nonbenders can kick lots and lots of ass, too.
And Tenzin is awesome, and I love seeing him fight, and his increasingly paternal relationship with Korra pushes all my buttons, and their scenes together have been some of the best in the show. He's fantastic.
I think I keep coming back to Lin because she hits what
joyfulfeather calls a "competency kink" dead on. Competency kink is basically that we both often really key in on that character who does things very, very well - Tavi from Jim Butcher's Codex Alera books is a good example, as is most versions of most members of the Batfamily. (YJ versions of Dick and Babs are both hitting that one hard.) Lin is just so good at what she does, and so much in control of most situations, that she hits that button square in the middle. But, as with Tavi and the Bats, she's not invincible or invulnerable - we see her lose fights and have emotional moments, which is what keeps her from becoming so overpowered that she's boring. (Aka, why I don't care about most versions of Superman.) She just works so well as a character.
Yeah. These shows. All the feels.