Umm actually Farenheit 9/11 is a bunch of Michael Moore's bullshit to promote his political agenda. Most of it isn't even true. He twists the truth around. And I'm not saying I like Bush (I don't like him or Kerry) but to say that he hasn't done anything good for our country isn't true. Blaming everything on Bush is just childish. The media and Michael Moore like to bash Bush and blame him for all of our problems. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, I just really think Michael Moore says a lot of crap. I was just looking around and wanting to voice my opinion. Thanks for reading.
thanks for that insight i appreciate it i do... to say that bush has done anything practical for this country except get us into a bigger debt, involve us in a war that didnt necessarily need to be fought and there is no changes in the taxes the environment is going down hill... so im not saying i love micheal moore and agree with him complelly but how can u not watch that movie and not understand the facts when they are right there, im not being childish by blaming bush because he is the president of the country he is making the decisions and his decisions dont seem to be effective so he only seems like the person to blame, if he is elected im considering moving to australia because i cannot imagine how these necxt four years will turn out... and wy do this annonamoysouly im not out there trying to bash anyones opionion im giving reasons for why i feel the way i do
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