Thu, 14:34: RT @ caveheraa: "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim." Because you only label Muslim perpetuators as terrorists. T…
Thu, 14:35: RT @ brianklaas: As Trump & Spicer try to distance themselves from Paul Manafort, remember: Total days leading Trump campaign: Manafort: 1…
Wed, 18:01: RT @ tonyhawk: TSA agent (checking my ID): "Hawk, like that skateboarder Tony Hawk!" Me: exactly Her: "Cool, I wonder what he's up to these…
Tue, 15:15: RT @ SenKamalaHarris: One of my serious concerns with #Gorsuch: in 8/12 employment discrimination cases, he sided against the worker. https:…
Tue, 15:17: RT @ Mikel_Jollett: Colin Kaepernick gave a million dollars to feed starving children last year. Trump wants to cut Meals on
( Read more... )
Mon, 22:14: RT @ ericgarland: Again - let's get it straight how insane this is: The FBI is doing a *COUNTERINTELLIGENCE* INVESTIGATION AGAINST A SITTING…
Sat, 18:57: RT @ WhatTheFFacts: A person who hides their pain behind a smile is called an eccedentesiast.
Sat, 18:57: RT @ wilw: I know it's a lot to take in. I know it is exhausting. But we have to keep informed and remember that none of this is normal. htt…
Thu, 15:29: RT @ ShaunKing: Donald Trump's budget, which was released just minutes ago, is the most inhumane and disgusting federal budget proposed in o…
Wed, 15:01: RT @ RBReich: Why is it Cong. King spews hate but Rs don't censure him, Sen. Warren reads a letter by Coretta Scott King about racism and Rs…
Tue, 15:05: RT @ TheGoodGodAbove: ObamaCare = 20 million gain healthcare TrumpCare = 24 million lose healthcare Trump finally has something bigger th…
Tue, 15:05: RT @ HumaneSociety: Don't let your dog stay outside when the temperature drops. Your dog's thick fur isn't always enough to keep warm in the…