Mon, 15:39: When a former wizard of the KKK is praising you for your comments, those comments are and you yourself might be a r…
Mon, 15:39: RT @ HamillHimself: Be nice #RudeMedia-The disability-mocking, genital-grabbing, Birther-in-Chief has the best, most tremendous advice EVER,…
Sun, 17:47: RT @ TheBloggess: Airport overhead: Please check in now for your flight to Baskerville. Me: Like where the glowing hell hounds are from? Am…
Fri, 16:36: RT @ GeorgeTakei: Crowds cheered as a unanimous Supreme Court affirmed the impeachment of a corrupt president. That was South Korea today. C…
Fri, 17:09: RT @ joss: RYAN: oops, got the sniffles TRUMPCARERS: we go now to the abattoir RYAN: no, it's
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Thu, 16:56: RT @ sueyellin: Help dump Jason Chaffetz in 2018. See the CrowdPac funding page for Democrat Kathryn Allen, whose contributions are surging.…
Thu, 19:22: RT @ bitchyologist: Jason Chaffetz just announced he's opening an investigation into why Hillary Clinton got this fierce new haircut https:/…
Tue, 15:42: RT @ NicholsUprising: Who would have imagined that Paul Ryan's ACA "reform" would be nothing more than a scheme to cut taxes
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Mon, 16:19: RT @ neiltyson: If one evening you feel sad enough to cry, look up. Your tears will not fall and the starry night may bring joy to your soul.
Mon, 16:22: RT @ MikeBigby: Did Ariel think her dads trident was a gigantic hairbrush
Sun, 22:03: RT @ mishacollins: The most dangerous thing right now is that we have a leader with total disdain for the Truth. We must keep circling back…
Sun, 22:06: RT @ JasonKander: This White House does not inform the nation. It deliberately misinforms. One big misinformation campaign. Only 1 word for…
Sun, 00:41: RT @ StephenKing: Trump should know OBAMA NEVER LEFT THE WHITE HOUSE! He's in the closet! HE HAS SCISSORS!
Sun, 00:43: RT @ GeorgeTakei: Today's townhalls and protests are authentic, visceral responses to corruption and government overreach. They represent tr…