When was is it that i slapped that giant neon sign on my chest saying "I'LL BE ANYONE'S BITCH, JUST WALK ALL OVER ME, DON'T WORRY I WON'T SAY ANYTHING BECAUSE I'M A BIG PUSSY!" . . . Don't ask me for another fucking thing, i'm all out of compassion at the momment and it's not on back order either, so don't fucking ask!.
Tia if you read this, i'm sorry i have no cedrit... and if you meant to send me that msg, then my answer is "I'm fine, thankyou for asking" and my question is "how are you?" .i miss you.
i can't believe how trashy livejournal has become.i really can't be bothered anymore. i'm fed up with this shit. . i missed you so much last night./././ just to be trashy.or truthful... i guess i can't distinguish colours anymore.