Title: Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake Author: sparseparsley Rating: NC-17 Genre/Pairing: Total AU, Romantic Comedy, Dean/Cas Summary: The good ones are sometimes assholes and always taken.
OMG. I am so freaking thrilled you finished this. I just love everything about it so muuuuuuch. Your Castiel voice is so perfect; he's different, but still totally weird in that very Castiel-like way.
I spent the entire time like "Dean! Come on!!!! You're asking the wrong questions!" and when Cas thought he was a closet case because he kept going on about religion and it being "wrong" I was like *facepalm* OH DEAN. So it was sooooo great when he finally realized what a doof he'd been, and oh man, the ending was perfectly hilarious.
Also, did I mention HOOOOOOOOOT. I love so much when there's a great buildup in the relationship and lots of tension, because when it finally happens it is SO satisfying. Such a great payoff, in the emotional sense too.
Anyway, yeah, rambling, but I just really enjoyed this so much. :D
Hee, thank you! I love a good ramble, it means I'm doing something right.
I was pretty worried that there was too much build up. I think it comes from this being my first long fic, I kept thinking 'You should be done now!' when the story wasn't finished yet.
No no, it was PERFECT. The build up is what makes it all worth it; I love when it takes awhile, because the end result is just that much more satisfying when you finally get there, and it makes their emotions emotions more authentic, I think.
Usually, I dislike AU's, but I liked the sound of your summary and wanted to check it out. I am so glad I did. :D There were so many squirm-worthy moments of embarrassment, ("NO DEAN. SHUT UP ABOUT THE DAMN BIB--OH NOW YOU'VE DONE IT, DUMBASS." D:) parts that made me laugh out loud, and others that made me giggle with fluffy-glee. :) Really loved this, can't say it enough. Loved this.
And thanks for checking it out despite misgivings. Dean/Cas doesn't lend itself very naturally to these kinds of total AUs unlike, say, McShep which is pretty much built for those 'Rodney is a ____ and John is a _____' type stories.
Comments 331
I spent the entire time like "Dean! Come on!!!! You're asking the wrong questions!" and when Cas thought he was a closet case because he kept going on about religion and it being "wrong" I was like *facepalm* OH DEAN. So it was sooooo great when he finally realized what a doof he'd been, and oh man, the ending was perfectly hilarious.
Also, did I mention HOOOOOOOOOT. I love so much when there's a great buildup in the relationship and lots of tension, because when it finally happens it is SO satisfying. Such a great payoff, in the emotional sense too.
Anyway, yeah, rambling, but I just really enjoyed this so much. :D
I was pretty worried that there was too much build up. I think it comes from this being my first long fic, I kept thinking 'You should be done now!' when the story wasn't finished yet.
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Thanks! It's great fun to bunk people.
Usually, I dislike AU's, but I liked the sound of your summary and wanted to check it out. I am so glad I did. :D There were so many squirm-worthy moments of embarrassment, ("NO DEAN. SHUT UP ABOUT THE DAMN BIB--OH NOW YOU'VE DONE IT, DUMBASS." D:) parts that made me laugh out loud, and others that made me giggle with fluffy-glee. :) Really loved this, can't say it enough. Loved this.
And thanks for checking it out despite misgivings. Dean/Cas doesn't lend itself very naturally to these kinds of total AUs unlike, say, McShep which is pretty much built for those 'Rodney is a ____ and John is a _____' type stories.
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:p Thanks. Gotta admit, I had more fun with the shmoopy stuff that I thought I would.
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