I'm so tired. I have no idea why. I didn't run track today because I needed to do a hallway. I should be really energetic but I am even more tired than usual...
I have so much homework... I just got back from track and now am acutally looking at the homework I have to do. I didn't do any of my chemistry hw during the unit so now I have to do it all tonight on top of my other homework. Somebody injure me so I don't have to go to school tomorrow...
This WASL has to be the most pointless test ever created. They put you all in a room and make you take a test that a common 6th grader could pass and then they give you like 3 hrs. to take it. Seriously, the only way you could possibly fail is to fall asleep during the test...
Ya, I'm going to actually post in my LJ. OMG. Anyway, I am soooo tired right now. I had to run Track after school and we ran so much I felt like I was going to drop and die. I was able barely beat someone during practice today (whee!) although they probably weren't trying to hard. Oh well, its a start :). Then I had to walk home because my bike
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