the saddest thing i've ever heard... picture a crowd of cubans singing along with silvio rodriguez:
Seguiremos adelante
como junto a ti seguimos
y con Fidel te decimos:
hasta siempre Comandante.
Aquí se queda la clara,
la entrañable transparencia,
de tu querida presencia
Comandante Che Guevara.
sidenote: my future seems clear to me now
Nov 08, 2004 22:10
my sister's brilliant statement of the day:
"theres like a parallel indian universe. everywhere."
Oct 26, 2004 13:59
i dont know if im the only one that senses little currents moving under the skin of society, or if im just insane, but it seems like there are little unspoken orgasmic swells of interest every so often within the groups of people around me. not a day goes by without me hearing about existentialism, and theres more of a focus on livejournal, or so
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