Of COURSE I'm going to the U of S, dogg! But not for 2006-2007, I'm going to start in the fall of '07 so I can save up, and because I decided that a while ago so I didn't apply yet.
Oh my god, no way. Well, cheese is fairly integral, but the sauce makes the pizza, at least for me. And the answer to your question would be pot, mushrooms, ecstasy, coke, and crack. The first and last ones are probably tied for being the easiest to find in Lloyd, sadly/frighteningly enough, but of course when you want one that always seems to be the one thing the whole town has run out of.
Coke is the powder that you get when you process/dry the coca plant's leaves. Crack is the rock form of that; you cook it with water and baking soda (1/3 the amount of coke, just for you edification) and then you have a drug that's muchmuchmuch more addictive and gives you a shorter-lasting but much more impacting high. Also it tastes really sweet. I don't really know if you cared to know that, but I guess you do anyway.
It's not like it's common knowledge (in towns that aren't Lloydminster), you don't have to apologize.
Eyes, hair, nose, mouth, ass. o.o That 'ass' makes me sound perverted. But I mean, c'mon. Though you wear pants that don't show it off. You do have one, and it is really nice. //shutupyousoundsick//
Comments 9
I laffed x 7 at that. F'realz.
Are you coming here for university? Because if you're not, I'm going to kick your ass hella far. USASK or UDIE.
Ohh, that's witty. ;)
I disagree with your pizza question -- I much prefer more cheese than sauce. Maybe I'm weird.
And wow, it is sad/frightening that crack is so easy to find.
It's not like it's common knowledge (in towns that aren't Lloydminster), you don't have to apologize.
That 'ass' makes me sound perverted.
But I mean, c'mon.
Though you wear pants that don't show it off.
You do have one, and it is really nice.
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