so today i was at the starbucks in uptown waterloo, around the noonhour lunch rush of crazy. the place was full of people in outfits that looked more expensive than mine (i pay a surprising amount of money for outfits that don't look like you'd pay a surprising amount of money for them, i'll have you know) and after i got my latte i decided it
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also, if i'm planning two tattoos on my right shoulder, one sort of at the top of my arm and the other coming up the back, should i kill two birds with one stone and get them done together, or get one and then the other some other time? and in that case, should i get the schwa done first, or the olive branch?
ok, so if you're really REALLY a trekkie you'll probably point out that my ears don't quite look ocampan, but fucking hell i still think they're going to look champion with the blonde hair and the cute little elfy tunic and combadge. in a way it's kind of el cheapo because i already have the haircut and the impish but soft-spoken cuteness down, so
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