thanks but nomodellover1289September 26 2004, 19:18:30 UTC
thanks for the info on over eaters anominyous but im not 1. Im only 14 and am forced to eat buy my family members. i aviod as much junk as i possibly can ubt my family eats alot of it...hench i am forced to eat alot of it. No offense but overeatters r usually gross people who cant live through there day without like a milky way or sum nasty gross food..thats not me. i eat as little as i possibly can with out my family getting upset. to them im perfect but to me....i need to loose alot. if u do have n e tips on calorie burning exercises let me know by posting.
This sounds like something I need some more info on. I dunno if you're around or not though. You did answer my film question the other day. Hmm. ^^ Well. I guess you can reply if you wanna talk about it. I'd appreciate it.
Tell me more about yourself...If you want to email me direct I am at specsafety at yahoo. I was a big guy...weighing in at almost 400 lbs. Today, I am at normal body weight(190 at 6 foot 2) I owe it all to Over-eaters Anonymous(OA). OA is a 12-step recovery program similar to AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) in that the belief is that overeaters are not eating because they are physically hungry, but are eating to numb out/check out emotionally--using food the same way an alcoholic uses alchohol. Let me know if you want more info about the program, I would be delighted to help. Len
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