What!? Amy, come on! I told her to ask you because she doesn't have any other girlfriends to ask. And you're smart and savvy and... all that stuff. I thought that you'd be able to help her out!
Sorry! I thought she could trust you and go to you and I told her you'd help her out!! Why is that so fucked up!?
I didn't know what to tell her about GIRL troubles! For what it's worth, I told her to go to fucking Planned Parenthood! And get educated. But, come on, she's 16! She's all freaked out.
Why are you being such a bitch about this? I have herpes, you don't, big fucking whoop. Stop being so uptight and secretive and help the girl out! She knows we used to do it. I didn't know what to tell her, so I sent her to you!
Look, all I know is she comes at me out of the blue with this remark about how you told her to come to me to learn about STDs and giving head. Which I just didn't think was really appropriate for you to be telling a 16 year old.
She still is freaking out about her needing a Bladder transplant or something. I might have over-reacted, but if I sent Kara to you to ask about like... I don't even know what, but she wouldn't really tell me anything. All it was, was this open ended comment that sounded to me like you were telling her I was some expert in the field or something.
So do you know what happened with Kara? She isn't telling me anything that I can actually use to figure out if she should really be worried or not.
I think I thought that maybe she went down on Harry and was freaked out that she got something on her lip. But, she said the word "itchy" -- so now I'm thinking that he went down on HER and she's flipping.
And I didn't say you were an expert in the field of STDs. I tried to imply that you were an expert in the field of having a vagina. I *should* have told her that you were an expert in the field of giving head, because... seriously, girl. You have skill.
Stop being so huffy. I love you and trust you. Which is why I sent my 16 year old friend to you, when she had problems I couldn't fix. Okay?!
Okay, well that at least clears up a few questions.
I am not being huffy, okay maybe a little, but really the way Kara is? You can't get a straight answer out of her for anything, so when she said you said to ask me? Then proceeded to go into hysterics or something? Yeah, I was a bit overwhelmed.
Kara is my friend too, I just wasn't too comfortable with you talking to her about our history was all. Glad you didn't because otherwise it would make things just bad I guess.
Comments 4
Sorry! I thought she could trust you and go to you and I told her you'd help her out!! Why is that so fucked up!?
I didn't know what to tell her about GIRL troubles! For what it's worth, I told her to go to fucking Planned Parenthood! And get educated. But, come on, she's 16! She's all freaked out.
Why are you being such a bitch about this? I have herpes, you don't, big fucking whoop. Stop being so uptight and secretive and help the girl out! She knows we used to do it. I didn't know what to tell her, so I sent her to you!
But I'll STOP. If that's what you want.
Look, all I know is she comes at me out of the blue with this remark about how you told her to come to me to learn about STDs and giving head. Which I just didn't think was really appropriate for you to be telling a 16 year old.
She still is freaking out about her needing a Bladder transplant or something. I might have over-reacted, but if I sent Kara to you to ask about like... I don't even know what, but she wouldn't really tell me anything. All it was, was this open ended comment that sounded to me like you were telling her I was some expert in the field or something.
So do you know what happened with Kara? She isn't telling me anything that I can actually use to figure out if she should really be worried or not.
I think I thought that maybe she went down on Harry and was freaked out that she got something on her lip. But, she said the word "itchy" -- so now I'm thinking that he went down on HER and she's flipping.
And I didn't say you were an expert in the field of STDs. I tried to imply that you were an expert in the field of having a vagina. I *should* have told her that you were an expert in the field of giving head, because... seriously, girl. You have skill.
Stop being so huffy. I love you and trust you. Which is why I sent my 16 year old friend to you, when she had problems I couldn't fix. Okay?!
I am not being huffy, okay maybe a little, but really the way Kara is? You can't get a straight answer out of her for anything, so when she said you said to ask me? Then proceeded to go into hysterics or something? Yeah, I was a bit overwhelmed.
Kara is my friend too, I just wasn't too comfortable with you talking to her about our history was all. Glad you didn't because otherwise it would make things just bad I guess.
Oh and thanks for the compliment, I think.
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