Mar 07, 2011 17:37
Something I'd love to see on TV during Mardi Gras weekend:
"We were going to invite Fred Nile to give us his thoughts this evening, but then we realised it's the 21st century and nobody gives a fuck what he thinks any more."
Oh well. Maybe one day...
Nov 24, 2010 18:44
Sitting in the near-dark, listening to Led Zeppelin's The Rain Song over and over again while it rains, reading Tales Of The Beanworld, with nobody to stop me doing any of these things, because finally I live by myself.
This is my life, and I'm content enough with it.
Oct 11, 2009 11:19
"...holding the women who will sleep with you in contempt is an expression of self-hatred and knock it the fuck off."
Hmm...I should ponder this...
Aug 28, 2009 23:00
is it just me, or is having a bunch of AFL footballers speaking out against drunken thuggery kinda like getting Cheech and Chong to give anti-drug lectures?
Aug 04, 2009 13:03
Seriously body, what the FUCK?!?!
Aug 02, 2009 13:24
I have had some kind of flu-like thing for nearly a week now.
Jul 27, 2009 07:58
What the hell, Cal Wilson?!?! Calling your baby 'Digby'? Why not just name the poor little bugger 'Kickme' instead? It even kind of sounds the same, and will have exactly the same effect once he gets to school!
'Digby'. Jesus H. Tap-dancing Christ on a pogo stick.
Mar 01, 2009 10:27
Shortly before I woke up this morning, I had a dream that 13th came to visit me. Just out of the blue, she got out of a car that was parked up the street, and ran down and tackle-hugged me (luckily, I was unencumbered by this fractured rib). She was dressed all in black, and had blonde, curly hair.
Feb 26, 2009 17:16
I fractured a rib while mountain biking last Sunday
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