Older men or men who were actually brought up by mothers who taught them "what's what manners-wise" KNOW what to tell their women-folk when they start asking questions. Redneck men are totally bewildered by this instant 3th degree of question-asking and they have NO IDEA what to tell them. Jack @$$'s quite delight in telling their dates "aw, it's just a little informal affair and clothes don't count..." and then they laugh their rumps off when their dates ARE IN TEARS AFTERWARDS! :^\
Comments 31
Redneck men are totally bewildered by this instant 3th degree of question-asking and they have NO IDEA what to tell them.
Jack @$$'s quite delight in telling their dates "aw, it's just a little informal affair and clothes don't count..." and then they laugh their rumps off when their dates ARE IN TEARS AFTERWARDS!
I never thought about that, but that's exactly what TBG does. He always tells me if an event is casual or dressy. His mom did good.
Hugs, Jon
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