Seems we have new members~ The Witch must be replacing the ones who returned. That kinda makes me happy...This place gets lonely when noone is around... Though I'm really starting to miss home... I can tough this! *fist pound on chest*
Oh JEEZE this place changes quicker than Meryls mood... But seriously...whats with the pumpkins... I know some people have a fruit fetish...but this seems a bit extreme...
I have bad feelings about this...
((ooc: I don't think Halloween exists where Vash is o: so he doesn't have a clue :D ))
and aside that... ITS SO COLD! Good thing this coat is thick...I've never experienced weather so cold like this before...Gunsmoke was always hot *shivers*
I don't thinking I've ever been able to relax this long without some kind of catastrophe happening. This little taste of a peaceful life FEELS SO GREAT.
I'm wondering if I really do want to go home...
or is this place more than its cracked up to be...
I accually haven't felt weird lately so the witch is leaving me alone atleast....