I'm sorry about that. I've had a profound dislike of dentists ever since they pulled ten(!) of my teeth out in one visit and then just told me to take an ibuprofen for the pain. Then they tell me next time I visit that they think they might've pulled a few of the wrong ones. I sympathize with you.
Hope you feel better soon. Sending you warm soup, applesauce, puddings and whipped cream now. ;) It's good eating with half your mouth. Remember to threaten to eat brains while you're drooling and zombieish, if you're comprehensible. ;)
Ten!? Eeep! You poor thing and here I am complaining about one tooth. That's terrible, *laughs* and dentists wonder why we hate going >_<.
*laughs* Oh I will, I'm drooling so much I'm carrying around a washcloth so I don't dribble all over my keyboard- or house. I can't talk too well, but I have the moaning groaning and stumbling around down ~_^
I wish I had an OOC icon... T_Tgav_7November 30 2005, 01:56:43 UTC
Aw ::hugs:: Having gone through a double extraction in hospital earlier this year, much, much sympathy. I had the tooth shatter and have to be drilled and it's a horrible horrible thing.
Keep away from rice cream until you're healed. Custard and jello are your friends.
I had two impacted wisdom teeth extracted after one crumbled because the dentist missed the damage >_< And two others done in hospital. I couldn't sit up or lay down four days. So I hope it's not too horribly bad. ::many hugs and snuggles::
Re: I wish I had an OOC icon... T_Tspiral2darknessNovember 30 2005, 08:36:01 UTC
*glomps back* Thank you ^_^. I'm feeling a lot better today then yesterday, still only able to mumble and in a butt-load of pain, but better. Thanks for the heads up about the ice cream, I've been sticking with custard and soup.
That's' terrible O_o! You must have been utterly miserable, where you able to sleep? Between you, Thomas'-mun and me, we could make a club, People who have Survived Terrible Dentist Visits!
Re: I wish I had an OOC icon... T_Tgav_7December 8 2005, 04:23:30 UTC
I slept thanks to strong drugs. I've had eleven extractions over the years. Eight permanent teeth (all four wisdom and all four pre-molars) and three baby teeth.
Last one wasn't in the chair but hospital, which was a bit better. I wore toe socks with hippos on them and I have a complete blank of anything past the first needle until I woke up in recovery.
I hate LJ not notifying.... I just found this. >_< Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I hope you feel much better by now.
Comments 11
Hope you feel better soon. Sending you warm soup, applesauce, puddings and whipped cream now. ;) It's good eating with half your mouth. Remember to threaten to eat brains while you're drooling and zombieish, if you're comprehensible. ;)
Ten!? Eeep! You poor thing and here I am complaining about one tooth. That's terrible, *laughs* and dentists wonder why we hate going >_<.
*laughs* Oh I will, I'm drooling so much I'm carrying around a washcloth so I don't dribble all over my keyboard- or house. I can't talk too well, but I have the moaning groaning and stumbling around down ~_^
Keep away from rice cream until you're healed. Custard and jello are your friends.
I had two impacted wisdom teeth extracted after one crumbled because the dentist missed the damage >_< And two others done in hospital. I couldn't sit up or lay down four days. So I hope it's not too horribly bad. ::many hugs and snuggles::
That's' terrible O_o! You must have been utterly miserable, where you able to sleep? Between you, Thomas'-mun and me, we could make a club, People who have Survived Terrible Dentist Visits!
Last one wasn't in the chair but hospital, which was a bit better. I wore toe socks with hippos on them and I have a complete blank of anything past the first needle until I woke up in recovery.
I hate LJ not notifying.... I just found this. >_< Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I hope you feel much better by now.
Awww. *hugs and cuddles* You poor thing. Salt water gargle to keep everything clean. Poor baby!
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