Title: No World For Tomorrow (
Rating: R
crusaderangel(Angela - underpromiseoverdeliver.tumblr.com)
Genre: Slash, Alternate Universe - Canon
Pairing(s) / Character(s): Adam/Michael, Bela, Bobby, Castiel, Crowley, Dean, Lucifer, Rafael, Sam
Warnings: Semi-graphic torture, language, dark!Adam, hurt!Michael
Word Count: 11,249
Notes: Hell!fic that deviates from 6.19 with multiple character deaths. The way that time works in Hell is something that I played with for a bit so that the damage to Adam and Michael's psyche were more understandable. One earth month = 10 Hell years = 100 Cage years. This essentially makes the whole time from when they fell in the pit in 2010 until the start of season 6 to be almost two thousand years, roughly. They're just not happy campers in the Cage.
Summary: Adam’s been stuck in the Cage this whole time, barely given a thought by his brothers. When the self-proclaimed ‘King of Hell’ Crowley swings on by with an offer to get him out in exchange for ‘cooperation’, Adam figures the only way to go is up.
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