Posting: Template and Guidelines

Jun 16, 2011 20:09

Once you've granted someone's wish by creating a fanwork for them, here's what to do next:

  • Post: This isn’t a comment-fic meme, so you do not have to post your fill in direct reply to the comment. Instead, for archiving purposes, post your finished fanwork to the actual community itself. You can post your fanwork directly to the community OR you can post a header that links back to your own LJ or archive site with your work on it. Please do not link back to flocked entries.

    [If you are posting directly to the community, please remember to put fic text and large images behind a cut. If you don’t know how to use a lj-cut, here's info from the LJ FAQ.

  • Title: In your subject line please include the type of fanwork, the title, rating (if applicable), and characters and/or pairing.

A few title examples:

    Example #1: Podfic: The Life and Times of Dean Winchester. R. Dean/OCs, Sam, John
    Example #2: Icons: 25 Dean-centric icons from On the Head of a Pin
    Example #3: Digital Art: A Portrait of a Hunter as a Young Man. R. Dean
    Example #4: Meta: Dean Winchester and the Subversion of Gender Roles
    Example #5: Fic: Ramble On. PG. Dean, Sam, Bobby, Cas

  • Header: Please include a header such as the one below for all posted and linked fanworks:

    Author: (or artist)
    Word Count: (if applicable)
    Warnings: (if applicable)

    Feel free to add any other information to your header that you feel is needed for your fanwork. For instance, you may want to include authors' notes, spoilers, or a disclaimer. Please do include warnings for any content that may be triggery. If you are an artist you may want to include information on what medium you used (pencil, charcoal, digital painting). If you're making audiofic, fanmixes, or fanvids, you may want to include information on the length/run time of the tracks or video, as well as the size of the download.

  • Tag: Don't forget to tag your posts with the (1) challenge year, (2) the type of fanwork you produced, (3) genre, and (4) pairing (if relevant). You can find a list of current tags here.
    An example of tags one would use when posting a fanfic:

    Example #1: challenge: hiatus love 2012, type: fanfic, genre: het, pairing: dean/ellen

  • Deadline: You can post your completed fanwork to the community anytime after June 30th, but the final deadline for posting all completed fanworks is September 20.

    Please make sure you review the rules and information. Got a question for us? Ask it here.

!posting: template and guidelines, !mod post

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