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The shrill jangle of her cell phone broke her concentration, and the spirits fled. Bugger. She’d been getting somewhere.
But one glance at the caller ID and she answered immediately. “Gert? I’m kind of busy here.” But she knew that. Gert was a pro; she didn’t call for no reason. “What is it?”
“Those boys you told me about. The Winchesters? They were just here, asking about Sheila.”
Bela froze. “You’re sure?”
Gert sounded amused. “Tall, gorgeous, stand-out shoulders ... classic rock aliases? Pretty sure, honey.”
“Bugger.” Bela put as much annoyance in that as she could. After all, she was bloody annoyed. Hopefully it was enough to disguise the little thrill running up her spine. It was a long time since she had a challenge so amusing as the Winchesters. Or so handsome ( ... )
Lol. Gert always did make me laugh.
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