WHAT, UP, PROMPTERS AND FILLERS. Happy March. I must say I am loving this feature, and all of the awesome fic that is coming out of it! Thanks to everyone who fills, comments, reads, and generally just keeps this in business.
Let's make it happen again! Artsy-fartsy pants on.
Each month, we are happy to pay homage to the brilliant creative devise in fandom known as the commentfic meme. Here, will throw down a theme designed to span both SPN & RPF genres. We will then ask you, the participant, to prompt your fellow writers & artists with ideas, au tropes, lines of song/verse, a line of dialogue, word banks, some scene you are dying to read, etc.
After you've prompted, fill someone else's prompt! The idea is to stretch your mind as far as you need; to feel free to respond with any idea at all. It's a way to jog your creativity, to keep its action clicking in some small way.
Responses are completely open, so think wide broad and deep: a sentence, drabble, paragraph, 5k, fanmix, vid, painting, photo edit, macro, manip, icon set, stick figure comic, ms paint drawing, dialogue exchange, haiku, limerick, etc. would not be out of place here!
Previous challenges:
Prompt-and-fill #1: Truth & Lies Prompt-and-fill #2: 'Tis the Season Prompt-and-fill #3: On Our Way Home Prompt-and-fill #4: Happily Ever After Prompt-and-fill #5: Hangin' Around Session #6: "Open Line: Please Connect."
http://community.livejournal.com/spnroundtable/270037.html">http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab84/mmarieritter/spn_roundtable/session6_openline.jpg" title="prompt and fill" width=400 height=200>
promote on your flist, and get others to join in!
Getting in touch, staying in touch, falling out of touch; let's talk about a thousand and one ways to communicate.
Most obviously and most easily -- the boys are in constant contact via cell and internet: crossed wires, accidental dials, phone dates, dropped calls, dead batteries, mispelled texts, fumbling through an IM, the horror of misconstruing tonality in an email, etc.
What about ten years ago? Teenage years, still on the cusp of the tech boom, just fumbling our way into 24/7 connection; those were the landline days, the twirl-your-finger-around-the-cord days, the beeper and fax days. [mods; I feel like we had a chat/workshop on this, but can't find it in the tags! Ring a bell?]
Check out a recent roundtable discussion regarding tech usage in canon:
Writing the past: pre-series SPN fic as historical fiction.
If we open up this concept, the topics to explore are endless: notes/writing, nonverbal [facial/nonverbal cues/sign language], prayer, telepathy, imprinting or soul-bonding. There could be seances or Ouija boards to communicate across the veil, shouting or pounding or morse code to get through a barrier, lights or smoke to cross long distances.
All that matters is that something needs to be said. So, get that message out, whatever it takes.
Now, prompt! And then fill! Multiple fills on the same prompt are welcomed!
The fills so far!
Two-Way Mirror, by
The Notebook, by
The Witching Hour, by