I'm ready!

Feb 02, 2010 04:50

About You

Name: Sarah
Age: Twenty.
Positive adjectives to describe you: Silly, sweet, adventurous, independent, thoughtful
Negative adjectives to describe you: Shy, awkward, impatient, late, sarcastic
Your personality (in complete sentences, this time):
Bah. Well, I'm kind of shy. I'm generally a goof. I like doing nice things for people. I'm a bit of an oddball. I can also be pretty sarcastic and grumpy sometimes. It's sort of hard to put myself in words.
Crafts, ukulele, comics, silkscreening, video games, tea, animals, geeky things, sushi
Pet Peeves:
Fake people, liars, arrogant snobs, maliciousness

Question Time!
What do you like to do in your free time?
See "likes/hobbies"! :)
Do you get along with your neighbors?
My actual neighbors? I don't really talk to them.
How do you feel about your job? (If you’re a student, how do you feel about school?)
Currently looking for a job!
What are your opinions on love and relationships?
Well.. I like them. Except if they are forced or not working out.
What are your thoughts on friendship?
I like it!
How do you normally treat your enemies (or people you severely dislike)?
Just try and ignore them. I still try to be polite to be people I don't care for, although I'd like to punch them in the face.
What motivates you?
Music, art, movies, love, yatta yatta.
What are you most proud of?
All that I've been through.

This or That
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic.
Introverted or Extroverted: More intro.
Mature or Immature: A tad of both.
Hardworking or Lazy: I'm hardworking when I want to be and lazy the rest of the time.
Selfish or Selfless: Both.
Determined or Resigned: Determined.
Confident or Insecure: Confident.
Humble or Proud: More humble.
Leader or Follower: Leader, but more of a "lone wolf"
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive.

Are You…
[ ] Ambitious
[ ] Annoying
[x] Artistic
[ ] Assertive
[ ] Cantankerous
[x] Eccentric
[ ] Greedy
[ ] Hot-Tempered
[ ] Imaginative
[ ] Innocent
[ ] Insane
[x] Intelligent
[ ] Materialistic
[ ] Maniacal
[ ] Strong

Directly, Obviously, and Unabashedly Sponge-Related
Why do you like the show?
It's silly and ridiculous, and I still like it at the age of twenty.
Do you have a favorite episode? What is it, and why?
Tough. I can't seem to think of my favorite right now!
Who is your favorite character? (You don’t have to answer this)
Who is your LEAST favorite character? (This is your chance to rule out ONE character)
Probably Patrick.

And Finally…
What is the Krabby Patty secret formula?!!!!
A secret.
If you’d like to add anything else, here’s your chance:

Links to 3 applications you’ve voted on recently:

stamped as: gary

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