Title: Saturdays Are For Football (The Rest of the Week is for Everything Else)
ojuzuCharacter(s): Blaise Zabini, Dean Thomas
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: ~4200 words.
Warnings (if any): language, vague discussion of war crimes and racism.
Summary: Once a week, every week, Dean Thomas allowed himself to pretend nothing had ever happened
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Comments 27
After a few minutes of puzzling I decided to stop thinking about it and get on with reading. And I am in awe - not least because I know how quickly you wrote this amazing story.
I read once that forgiveness is not pretending that a hurt never happened, but rather refusing to let it get in the way of a relationship, and you've illustrated that perfectly here. Blaise's casual racism ('all Muggles look the same'), his obliviousness to his complicity in evil, his misunderstanding of Dean's subdued reaction, his incomprehension at anything being more important than money, his fury at having racism directed at him - all were most believable. As were the small details ( ... )
And I'm sorry for breaking your brain like that... Yeah, you're right - they're not blood relatives at all. I wanted an excuse for Blaise to get there in some way, but it was important for me that Dean really is without blood connections to wizards here. I know what JKR said about his father, and it could be the basis of a fascinating story - just not this one.
Poor brain is easily broken by things like this. :( I have no extended family where I live but a large one in another country so every few years I have to contend with who's a second cousin once removed and the like...
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