but first...
It was a fantastic exchange, and you all stand witness to the sheer brilliance of the goodies you saw on
We, that is
kennahijja and
oddnari, can't thank you all enough for making this so successful: the artists and writers, the pinch-hitters (YOU SO RULE), the beta-readers and, most especially, all of you who commented and gave such lovely and encouraging feedback to everyone.
A huuuuge round of applause and cheers to all of you! Here's to more great times in spring!
Springtime Gen Masterlist
anemonesque drew
Heir for
fourth_rosejulian_black drew
Remus and Bill for
claraminuteslethereality drew
Deliquescence for
wandmakermieronna drew
Moonletters for
moonytoesmoonytoes drew
What Neville is Thinking for
lyrasorionnoire drew
Dangerous Creatures Commonly Seen in Britain for
das_kabinetttrekgirl01 drew
Still Moment for
wandmaker FIC:
a_t_rain wrote
Fra Pandolf's Hands for
waterbirdalexajohnson wrote
A Little Hope Can Go a Long Way for
trekgirl01amidalashari wrote
A History of Violence for
blithelybonnyantonia_east wrote
Release for
simons_flowerapricot_bath wrote
Fear in a Handful of Dust for
mandy_jgbethbethbeth wrote
Family Matters for
dbassassinbewarethesmirk wrote
Cala Soothes the Soul for
kerrymdbbewarethesmirk wrote
Notions of Justice for
a_t_rainblithelybonny wrote
the time has come, the walrus said for
remarkedby_starkiller wrote
Lindisfarne for
letherealityclaraminutes wrote
Snapshots of a Man for
alexajohnsoncoffee_n_cocoa wrote
Of Chocolate and Chupacabras for
lindy_grl123cruentum wrote
For Freedom, the Wand and Absolution for
glisharacutecoati wrote
Lettres Azkabanes for
mereoldas_kabinett wrote
Colorless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously for
paradise_loveddbassassin wrote
Let go your hand from my shoulders for
rosefyrefiona_fawkes wrote
Upon Waking for
jessicaqueenfourth_rose wrote
Mark Him as His Equal for
mieronnagirlyswot wrote
The Riddle of the Sphinx for
paradise_lovedglishara wrote
True Memorial for
istalksnape gunderpants wrote
The Big Avada Kedavra for
virginia_bellgyutto wrote
The Best Laid Schemes of Mice and Men for
slytherin_facehikaru wrote
More Than Just Clichés for
quietlibanhumantales wrote
Dear Ron for
amidalashariignipes wrote
Everest to Kangchenjunga for Afternoon Tea for
such_heightsinthesewalls wrote
Cloak for
sapphiretragedyistalksnape wrote
Dancing on the Berlin Wall for
julian_blackjanicechess wrote
Always Too Late for
mk_tortiejessicaqueen wrote
A Reluctant Trust for
fiona_fawkesjiazho wrote
Media Res for
snorkackcatcherjncar wrote
Blowing Gum Wrappers for
coffee_n_cocoakerrymdb wrote
Coming out of Hiding for
wook77kerrymdb wrote
Finding the Light for
bewarethesmirklazy_neutrino wrote
Forget-Me-Not for
jiazholeni_jess wrote
X Marks the Spot for
shadowclublindy_grl123 wrote
Come Home for
gyuttolionille wrote
Of Owls, Orphans, and Old Friends for
marginalianalyras wrote
Fraternity for
jncarmagentabear wrote
Accidental Symbolism for
janicechessmagnolia_mama wrote
Contrefaire for
meddowmandy_jg wrote
Celebrations and Commiserations for
girlyswotmarginaliana wrote
A Hat Never Lies for
lionillemeddow wrote
Goyle's War for
magnolia_mamamereol wrote
The Reckoning for
apricot_bathmk_tortie wrote
What Dreams May Come for
by_starkillermolly_coddles wrote
The Eagle Has Landed for
lazy_neutrinomsmoocow wrote
Seeking the Good for
kerrymdbneko_chelle wrote
What Remains? for
msmoocow nicolen wrote
Always for
sambetheparadise_loved wrote
Her Son, The Hero for
magentabearparadise_loved wrote
Some Hope For You After All for
gunderpantsquietliban wrote
How To Divide A Rat for
riiburemarked wrote
Standing for
twisting_pathressie_noldo wrote
plains distant and remote for
wanderlightriibu wrote
Walls for
hikarurosefyre wrote
Good Enough for
humantalessambethe wrote
That Today I Belong for
bewarethesmirksapphiretragedy wrote
Before the Fall for
leni_jessshadowclub wrote
What Happened in the House on Spinner's End for
bethbethbethsimons_flower wrote
Midnight for
antonia_eastslytherin_face wrote
Oddball Ravenclaw Girl for
orionnoiresnorkackcatcher wrote
The Open Sea and the Sky for
molly_coddlessuch_heights wrote
Order Out Of Chaos for
ignipestwisting_path wrote
Roots for
neko_chellevirginia_bell wrote
Infinitely suffering thing for
inthesewallswanderlight wrote
Of Heroes for
anemonesquewandmaker wrote
The Misadventures of Merlin Malfoy for
cutecoatiwandmaker wrote
Satan's Cabana Boy for
cruentumwaterbird wrote
Stories, Told Slowly for
nicolenwook77 wrote
Better Brothers for