>Deciding what to do with your life is such a hassle. Major BUMP on that.
So you're doing JET, too?! I did not know. What's the count up to? You, Lisa, Tom, Kara? Clif and Rex are also looking into some kind of employment in Japan I hear. Wow. And I remain ever undecided. Good luck!
I'm not going back through Jet no matter what, but I am looking to get back. I am trying to find a real job that will get me there, but if not, I may go back to where I was this summer, it is a small one classroom school, but they love me there, so I am sure I can get back... it would be sssssooooooooo freaking cool to see everybody again! haha, why is it that I can not seem to meet any of you kids in America though.... just Japan... hahahha
Yeah, JET should be cool. My roomie from Japan got some word about a governmental program in Japan. I can ask details if you would be interested. Just avoid Nova (= No Vacation)
I would NEVER work at NOVA, I've heard it's terrible! Did I tell you about that creepy fat American guy who solicited me outside of Vivre about working for them? I was walking along with my friend Eriko, and he looked me right in the eye and said, "Where are you from!?" I really wanted to yell EIGO GA WAKARANAI BITCH! But of course I'm nice and I just said, "Sorry, I'm busy," and I refused the NOVA fliers he was trying to hand out. But ugh! That right there was enough to make me dislike NOVA, without hearing all the bad things people have already said about them.
Doesn't seem to me like most JET people are much different than that. Anyway, if I did JET, I'd ask for somewhere in Kansai- it's too late, that's already my Japanese "home."
Though I do take issue with being part of a horrible foreign language teaching system. ...argh.
Looks like maybe we can have a little reunion of Kansai Gaidai people, as JETs! Of course everyone will probably get placed in different areas, but I'm sure we can meet up in the middle somewhere. Earlier I thought I'd request to be put in Kansai again so I could see all my friends, but now that I think about it, I'd rather go to an area I've never seen before and find out what that's like. What about you guys?
Well, yeah, travel is easy there to a certain extent, but I can't say I found that night bus to Nagano very enjoyable. I'm not worried about it, although I kind of agree with Tim that Kansai feels like my Japanese "home..."
I agree kinda with that too, but I think I want to go a little more north. Mebbe if I can I'd like to work in Kyoto (if I get a real job) And more north and I don't think I can find anything, aside from Tokyo, where I DO NOT want to go.
Comments 15
Major BUMP on that.
So you're doing JET, too?! I did not know. What's the count up to? You, Lisa, Tom, Kara? Clif and Rex are also looking into some kind of employment in Japan I hear. Wow. And I remain ever undecided. Good luck!
Yeah, JET should be cool. My roomie from Japan got some word about a governmental program in Japan. I can ask details if you would be interested. Just avoid Nova (= No Vacation)
Though I do take issue with being part of a horrible foreign language teaching system. ...argh.
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