Mar 05, 2009 17:52
Argh, I'm just in such a bad mood today. There is not much explanation for it either.
I hate this, knowing my irritation is unjustifed but being unable to do anything to rid myself of it.
Feb 17, 2009 09:50
Status: Beyolina. Laptopb beoke bur u has uphine ans i lose beach fireva u gin see sunriaebbaned zan bc i occuoed favulous life where card simg firevaaaa and nin spit on chairs! On Saturday.
Mood: fermented (Update)
Jan 26, 2009 22:08
This has been one of the weirdest weeks ever I think.
Jan 13, 2009 18:05
It feels really good to unleash on someone who's been getting on your nerves for a while. Just let them fucking have it like they deserve.
I can think of a few more people I wouldn't mind doing that to. Who's going to be next? Hmmm..
Jan 06, 2009 18:35
So wait, LJ going bye bye?
NoooOOoooOo. I want my entries and comments printed and bound into a book! I've had this journal since 2004!
I dunno, maybe it won't go anywhere. I'll be sad if it does.
Dec 22, 2008 17:16
Wow, I wake up to hear crazier and crazier things happening every day.
What is going on in the world?? Something in the air this December I swear.