Okay… so I don’t normally post this sort of inane diary sort of crap on my Myspace, but there are a lot of folks I haven’t talked to in awhile, and I’m planning on kvetching about some events and films I’ve attended recently… and context is everything, dahling
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Oh, where oh where have I been? So sorry about the neglect, dear readers. Rather than bore you silly with endless renditions of my daily tedium, I will update you via the miracle of Haiku
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When I woke up this morning, I brought with me two images from a dream. The first was a very slick book sleeve with the words "The Sawtooth Farm" in rough, brown cursive printed down it's spine. The second was a vague recollection of a boy I'd been friends with in middle school who had grown up to become a Marine. Because I'm not ready to hear
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Upon reading a NYTimes article about the martyrdom of Saddam Hussein, I realized I was feeling weird that I hadn’t expressed two farts about the coverage of his death - hadn’t even watched it, while I had felt so compelled to write on the deer-hunter style death of al-Zarqawi - a figure I am actually less familiar with. The whole execution thing
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I’m looking around the war zone that is my apartment, and the 15 or so odd job postings I’ve collected and should be sending resumes to since I will be officially unemployed in two days, and I’m thinking… naw. Not feelin’ it. I’ve just read through everyone’s xmas and end of the year blogs, and I’m thinking really, I should take this valuable time
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Here’s the email I sent to my sister:so, this is a sad email... if you can read it at home, it might be best. it won't change your life or anything, but might make you introspective and sad and kill the buzz of your day
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so, i got to sit in on the hearing for hb239 this week. it limits the amount of public funds that can be spent on abortion, and was really, really ugly at first
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