Title: Gift of Screws, Chapter Twenty Three, Part Two
Author: Duckie Nicks
Rating: NC-17 for sex
Characters: House, Cuddy, Rachel Cuddy
Author's Note: This piece takes place in the future when Rachel is five; House and Cuddy are in an established relationship.
Warning: This fic also contains sex. If that bothers you, don't read.
Summary: For a
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Comments 8
Despite his reluctance to be involved, the situation has demanded it and House has stepped up; it's time for Cuddy to put her misgivings aside and do the same. And I'm very much looking forward to seeing where you take this, and if she can. You've built up a very realistic, very complex set of circumstances here and it's been a wonderful read throughout.
even if he does everything right, Cuddy will refuse to see that as enough. Yes, that is probably true. When it comes to Rachel, House can only lose in Cuddy's eyes. The best he can do for himself is make sure that he doesn't screw up to give her a reason to be upset with him.
Anyway, I appreciate you sticking with this piece for all this time. I really have tried to create a complex relationship and story, and it's nice to hear that I haven't completely fucked it up, lol. Thanks for taking the time to read and review.
I can't wait to see where you take this, and if Cuddy will finally make a decision and let him be a clear choice in her life.
Love this whole series so much, it truly made my day today to come home and see this waiting for me! You have a gift. Really.
This chapter particularly showed House and Cuddy's more tender moments. That he said he loved Rachel...a little out of character, but I dig it nonetheless.
I love the parenting dynamics in this one, ugly at times but truthful. I especially liked the way you showed House/Rachel.
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