The master listing of everything I've written, with brief descriptions (last updated 28-Jan-2010). Sadly, I need this for my own reference, too...
mission_insane - Complete 20 tables of 10 prompts each for a total of 200 fics. Yep. My master table list is
here (4 tables, 11/200 fics written).
un_love_you - In the mod's words, "The idea is that fanfiction which uses the words 'I love you,' as a climax, usually at the end of a one-shot PWP, come across as false, more often than not." The challenge is to take a set of often-inflammatory prompts and demonstrate why the characters care about each other, or don't care about each other, without using the 'L' word. My table is
here (6/30 fics written).
Gen Fic
Changes For The Better (PG-13, Mohinder, his ex-girlfriend Mira) Mohinder tries to deal with a tragedy by escaping back to India and the job offer that Mira, his ex-girlfriend, extended to him months ago. But that turns out to be a mistake, and the anger and frustration he feels is all aimed at her. (Written for my
un_love_you Mohinder prompt table, full table is
Everything I See (PG-13 verging on R, Elle, Mohinder, Maya) This is a hard one to categorize. Elle, a bit bored and pouting as she watches over the other two, amuses herself by going over her personal private surveillance video collection. And turns out to be a slash fangirl. There's some sexual imagery but it's all het.
Four Days Ago (PG-13, Sylar, Peter, Mohinder, Molly, Adam) What if Maya and Caitlin had never come into the story? What if an amnesiac Peter had been shipped off to Mexico instead, and while trying to get to New York to stop the nightmare future he's seen, he came across a wounded fellow traveller who seemed like a nice guy, and picked him up?
The Future Is Tekon (PG-13, Mohinder Suresh, Sylar, OC Anna Suresh, and glimpses of Peter Petrelli, Molly Walker, Maya Herrera) Mohinder gets an unwanted gift from a hostile special: a glimpse of all his possible futures. The one thing he doesn't get is a clue on how to make the only good future come to pass...or does he? There's implied Mylar-to-come, but there isn't actually any in the story, so I'm putting it in the Gen category. (Written for my
mission_insane Heroes prompt tables, full table listing is
Inevitability (PG, Mohinder, Matt, with Sylar looming in the background) Written to fit in with canon between S1 and S2, Mohinder can't shake the feeling that Sylar is still lurking out there. I wrote this as a way of explaining why Mohinder wasn't exactly surprised to get a phone call from Sylar, as well as showing the start of tension between Mohinder and Matt. (Written for my
mission_insane Heroes prompt tables, full table listing is
here, and also for the
mylar_fic challenge prompt "something permanent, something dark".)
Just Like You (PG, Sylar, OC Sam Petrelli) It's 20 years in the future. Peter Petrelli's teenage son, frustrated over not being special like his relatives, meets someone from his father's past who promises to find a way to make him special.
Left Behind (PG, the Bennet family, Peter Petrelli) Sandra Bennet loved her husband, but when his choices were tearing the family apart, she made her own hard choice. And afterwards, she had to find a way to pick up the pieces and go on. (Written for my
mission_insane Heroes prompt tables, full table listing is
One More Battle of Wits (PG-13, Mohinder, Sylar) In the 5YG universe, Mohinder's helped Hiro escape back into the past. Now, though, he has to deal with the fallout of Peter and Sylar's fight, and of things he's said and done. (Written for my
mission_insane Heroes prompt tables, full table listing is
Partners (PG, Mohinder, Niki) Mohinder and Niki get sent out on a quick mission by Bob, and sort of tentatively bond. A little AU, takes place just before Maury Parkman showed up at the Company to try to kill Bob.
Penance (PG, Maya, Mohinder, unnamed OMC) Maya, traumatized and living in a Company facility, gets an unexpected chance to pay the blood debt she thinks she owes to her dead brother. (Written for my
mission_insane Heroes prompt tables, full table listing is
Promises and Rewards (PG, Sylar, Mohinder) A ficlet set sometime in the future, where Sylar's swooped in to kill a special who Mohinder was working with, and has a brief snarky confrontation with him. Originally written for the
Sekrit Cabal Ficlet Battle.
September 1977 (PG, Adam Monroe, Arthur and Angela Petrelli) A moment in history: Adam gets a bit too loaded and crosses the Petrellis...and possibly leads to his own incarceration by the Company. (Written for my
mission_insane Heroes prompt tables, full table listing is
Taking Control (PG-13, Eden with glimpses of Sylar, Mohinder, the Haitian, Bennet) A take on what Eden might have been thinking and feeling during the time she worked for the Company.
Things We Do In Anger (PG, Mohinder, Matt, Molly) Worry over Molly's brief disappearance makes Mohinder and Matt both snap and turn on each other, and do their best to hurt each other. (Written for my
un_love_you Mohinder prompt table, full table is
What He Should Have Done (PG, Mohinder, Sylar) After Mohinder takes Peter's body to the Petrelli family, he obssesses over how he should dealt with Sylar and all the things he could have done differently to stop the killer.
Total Crack, which I supposed is technically also gen, but deserves its own area
Dad Doesn’t Bop People On The Noggin And Shoot Them Into Space (Heroes/MST3K crossover, PG, Lyle, Joel & the 'Bots) Poor Lyle. He just stands around in the background while Claire-Bear gets all the attention and all the excitement. So I decided to write a few fics where Lyle gets to have adventures, however unrealistic they are. In this one, he gets a little bit more than he bargains for when he tails his father on a mission to a mysterious complex of buildings. (Written for my
mission_insane Heroes prompt tables, full table listing is
Dad Doesn't Kidnap Aliens (Heroes/Torchwood crossover, PG-13, Lyle, Ianto) The cracky adventures of Lyle continue. In this one, he gets to meet someone who has an even more interesting job than his father does. (Written for my
mission_insane Heroes prompt tables, full table listing is
Keeping It In The Family (PG, Sylar, Mohinder, the Sureshes) I suppose this is slash, but it's so insane it gets its own category. What good is an evolutionary imperative if you don't pass it along to the next generation?
Road (To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions) Trip (PG, Peter, Mohinder, Angela Petrelli, Sylar) Peter and Mohinder both want to save the world. And they both keep screwing things up. What would happen if they worked together? And what would it look like if their totally insane adventures were chronicled by a totally insane fic writer? (Written for my
mission_insane Heroes prompt tables, full table listing is
The Zombie Diaries (PG, Sylar, Mohinder, Nathan, Peter, Hiro, Claire, HRG) What was I on when I came up with this one? Your guess is as good as mine. After the zombiepocalypse, the Heroes have to work together to survive. Some of them work together better than others, who are more into pushing people who annoy them off roofs and into the zombie throng *cough* Sylar *cough*. And while they work together, they record their hopes, dreams, and petty squabbles in their super-sekrit diaries.
Slash (Sylar/Mohinder)
A Moment Of Our Time Together (NC-17) A missing scene set between "Unexpected" and "Parasite". Mohinder's figured out that he's traveling with Sylar, but when he catches a glimpse of Sylar naked, he can't stop himself from doing something about it.
Again and Again Until Finally (NC-17) There's a half-hearted attempt at some future AU backstory here, but, seriously, people - this is just plain old smut, along with the two of them struggling for mental control. Mohinder makes the mistake of giving Sylar an opening when he's in no position to fight back, and Sylar takes full advantage of it (not that Mohinder really wants to fight back). (Written for my
mission_insane Heroes prompt tables, full table listing is
Alone (PG) Can a fic really be slash if it's PG? Matt is taking Molly somewhere safe but Mohinder's staying behind, and Sylar's quietly happy to step in and fill the void in his life.
Anticipation (PG) A ficlet about Sylar's thoughts as he gets ready to leave the hotel to head to Dale's garage.
Decisions (NC-17),
The First Time (R) Decisions, originally written for the
heroes_xmas exchange, in which Mohinder visits Gray & Sons on Christmas Eve to see what Gabriel was like before he met the elder Suresh, and Gabriel falls hard for him. The First Time was a little sequel that showed what happened in Mohinder's life in the years before and after that time-traveling trip, and could be called "Six Times That Sylar and Mohinder F*cked".
Distractions (NC-17) Another version of what might have happened on their little road trip. Sylar, almost incapacitated by his new hearing, clings to Mohinder and drops his guard; Mohinder, despite being drawn to him, slowly realizes something is not right.
Dreaming (R),
Dreaming (2) (PG-13),
The Bargain (PG) These are kind of a single multi-part fic, set after season 2. I have ideas for an actual plot set in this AU, but it's stalled right now. Mohinder gets mugged while on a mission of his own and realizes he's being followed, he and Sylar have dreams about each other that are intense in different ways, and Sylar finally corners him in a motel and offers to trade info for Mohinder's help in punishing the Company.
The Future Is Something We Deserve (R) Sylar and Mohinder have reached a point where their need for each other outweighs the past. But Sylar still makes plans in secret, determined to get what he wants forever.
The Game (PG-13) Only slightly slashy, on the surface. A bored Sylar, cooperating with the other characters because he's expecting a payoff, gets confronted by an angry Mohinder who can tell he's plotting about something...and Mohinder gets a bit of a surprise. There's just one kiss, but the general consensus seems to be that it was amazingly erotic for something without explicit sex, which was what I was hoping for. (Written for my
un_love_you Mohinder prompt table, full table is
Giving Himself Hope, Part 1 of 3 (PG) and
Part 2 of 3 (PG-13) The fic that may never be finished. I had the third part planned out, but then the second part changed as I wrote it, and now despite several attempts, I haven't been able to get the third part to work right. After Sylar and Peter kill each other in "Five Years Gone", Mohinder manages to save Hiro and they go back in time to attempt to stop Gabriel Gray from ever turning into Sylar. But despite doing something horrible to keep the timeline from being disrupted too much, Mohinder may not be able to stop it.
I Count The Hours Since Last I Saw Your Face (R) Mohinder finally wakes up to the odd fascination that Sylar has for him, and decides to take advantage of it to trap Sylar. Unfortunately, the more time he spends with Sylar, the easier it is to want to spend time with him. This one switches between telling the story of how this came to pass, and showing the aftermath, when Mohinder orders Sylar away for his own safety but Sylar sends him a steady stream of postcards. (Written for my
un_love_you Mohinder prompt table, full table is
I Dream of Things That Never Were, and Ask Why Not? (R) Mohinder's settled into a life of sorts in New York, but at night there are some things he can't quite keep out of his mind - assuming, of course, that he's only imagining it.
The Life One Does Not Lead (PG-13) In a dream, Mohinder faces up to regrets over moments in his past. But he doesn't realize he's being manipulated by someone into doing this, and that someone doesn't expect one of the regrets that comes up.
Need, Part 1 of 2 (PG-13, also includes Peter) and
Part 2 of 2 (PG-13, also includes Peter and Nathan) Peter's picked up Maya's power but can't control it, so Mohinder strikes a deal with a captive Sylar - who did manage to absorb Alejandro's power - to keep Peter non-lethal while Mohinder looks for a way to supress that ability. But he doesn't expect to become jealous of the time that Sylar spends with Peter.
So Wrong (R) Peter goes looking for Mohinder because he needs him for another scheme to save the world, but he finds out that when you sneak into someone's apartment, you sometimes see things you wish you hadn't seen. (Written for my
mission_insane Heroes prompt tables, full table listing is
Some Mistakes Are Bigger Than Others (NC-17) Mohinder's always been slightly curious about other men, but he doesn't work up enough nerve to take a chance until one night in a motel room in Montana. (Written for my
un_love_you Mohinder prompt table, full table is
Surviving (PG-13) Set after the end of S1. After Sylar disappears down the sewer, Mohinder desperately looks for any sign that the man still thinks of him.
The Wrong Move (PG-13) An only-mildly-slashy take on what might have happened in "Parasite" right after Sylar's involuntary spinal tap. (Written for my
un_love_you Mohinder prompt table, full table is
You Can't Hide It Forever (R) The first fic I ever wrote. In the futureverse of 5YG, a disguised Sylar broods over Mohinder while trying to convince himself that he isn't.
Slash (Other)
Untitled (two moments) (NC-17, Mohinder/Peter and Mohinder/Sylar) Two ficlets written for the
Sekrit Cabal Porn Battle at
cerebel_fics: one set at the time of "Parasite", the other in an AU second season. Mohinder gets what he wants from Sylar, and then gets what he wants from Peter. It was written for a porn battle, people.
You Shouldn't Trust Your Instincts (NC-17, Sylar/Peter) Sylar gets what he wants from Peter - actually, he gets a couple of things that he wants from Peter. This was also written for the
Sekrit Cabal Porn Battle.