May 12, 2005 14:43
i swoon alot about people like davy from afi he is so pretty
i sometimes losemyself in the swoons
May 03, 2005 14:48
almost all the animals would freeze because mast of them depen on their fur. all animals would look funny just because we are not used to seeing them with no fur. if i came home and looked at the place where i have Bopper (my rabbit) without fur i would laugh at him then i would worry about him freezing.
Apr 28, 2005 14:40
i dont haveanything so i'm not going to do anything
Apr 27, 2005 14:41
the good thing would something that i'm not sure of
the bad thing would be that as you pass things with words people chang things
Apr 26, 2005 14:42
a marshmelo is a small cilender that is made out of sugar and its white.
Apr 18, 2005 14:41
1. what got you into what you are into?
2. who inspierd you to do what you do?
3. do you like your job?
4. if you could do anything eals what would it be?
Apr 15, 2005 13:49
if i were a mouse id still live in a house
if i were a house i wouldnt be a mouse
if i were a rabbit i would leave the family that "loves" me so they wouldnt fight because of me
Apr 14, 2005 14:40
i wouldnt want to do that but i guess i would choose california for no real reason.
Apr 13, 2005 14:40
It has bright lights, its a big city, known world wide (i think). Home of many people, very unique people.
Apr 12, 2005 14:41
This suxs because we dont have time to take a break from learning.