Because RPing is srs bzns. Additional questions and clarifications are welcome on this post. Comments are not screened. Complaints go
Q. So.. why do we have journals?
A. Journals in the SB!universe are primarily used for communication between characters, passing information quickly and keeping tabs on what everyone has been doing in their respective departments, in their respective companies.
We've got an extensive post on how to post and on other related topics (like hacking),
over here.
Q. What's a log? And what are tags?
A. A log is a record of events between two or more players. A tag is like literary roleplaying tag. Someone 'tags' you with the beginning of the log and you 'tag' back with your response. They usually come in two forms, prose, which is the usual form of logging (third prson, usually lengthy and detailed), or script, a much compact and quicker way to log, and would look like a manuscript for a drama (dialogue/action, less detailed). Logs are done usually in between the parties involved through Messengers, Emails, or LJ Tagging(through a post and comment threads).
Please note that we strongly encourage players to fully narrate their logs and their journal posts. This makes things easier to read for everyone, and it also comes out looking less sloppy.
Q. How old should my character be? Do I have to take them from the TYL arc?
A. No, you don't. They can be whatever age you want so long as you can connect them with the premise of the game, and the age is appropriate. Hell, if you can come up with a good enough reason as to why Lambo is FIVE in the RP, then good for you! But we're not going to suggest you do that. There's not a lot of things a five year old can do in the publishing world, yes?
Q. So, the companies are Vongola, Varia and Millefiore... Are those the only companies we have?
A. No. These three companies are the three main actors on the stage, so to speak, but there should be more companies out there. Players are, of course, naturally encouraged to follow the canon and sign their characters of choice up with their respective group.
Q. Hey, I want to play Tsuna/Xanxus/Byakuran but I don't want them to be the head of the company! Is that okay?
A. Sorry, but.. No :( We wanted at least these three to stay in their canon roles as leaders of their group. We know it's restricting, but it's up to the player to be creative on their take of their position.
Q.Is the 9th up for grabs?
A. Nope, sorry. The Ninth is under mod control, for purposes of the story. :)
Q. I'm a CEO of a company! What do I do?
A. First off: you're a mini-mod. As described in the
Company Positions Page, you've got nearly all the rights of the three mods controlling this game and you're in charge of the plot flow for your respective company. You're also expected to help us Cervello mods out if we happen to need it. ^_^
Q. I want to make my own company! How do I do this?
A. Well, first off, you're going to have to be prepared to become a mini-mod. XD You will also have to make your own company profile, much like the ones listed in the information posts on this journal. Remember: publishing is serious business, and it takes even MORE commitment than already needed if you're going to play the head of a whole company.
As of this moment, the types of companies we're looking for aren't other publishing houses, but companies that can aid in the publishing process for the ones curretly on the field. For example, the Millefiore MAY have in-house publishing, but no one else does. That's just ONE example of what you can do if you're out to app someone who is heading a company!
If you're aware of the sort of responsibility that heading your own company entails and you're still up for the challenge, feel free to contact any of the mods about it before you app. :3
Q. Can we have NPCs?
A. Yes, but try to keep NPCs down. And if you need them for a scene - use them! NPCs (or non-player characters) are characters that no one else plays. Please run it by the mods first if you're going to have the NPC appear a lot, such as if they're your roommate/aunt/sister/etc.
Q. Why can't we have Original Characters?
A. Because this is a Katekyo Hitman Reborn! RP, and there are a ton of characters in it, including the minor and not so major characters. Seriously, pick one. You're not going to run out.
Q. What's God-modding? Why is it bad?
A. God-modding is the use of someone else's character without their permission. It's bad simply because it's not your character to begin with, you're not supposed to control him/her.
Q. Why do we need to put our app on the profile page?
A. For player convenience. This is so that the players don't have to go back to the applications post every now and then to read and review the profile of your character. The application post can be very long and looking for a certain character's profile can be very tiring.
Q. Do we REALLY have to make an OOC post for character crit on your journals?
A. Yes. I know that this is going to sound bitchy, but moving this sort of sensitive content to your respective places is far less harassing, both for you as players and for your beloved mods, to deal with. A massive How's My Driving (HMD) post feels a little too much like a public witch-burning session at times, and we would much rather that players sort differences out between themselves, as much as possible.
Of course, if that doesn't work out, then you definitely have to let us know. That's what we're here for.
Q. Now that we have our characters, what’s next? How does this RP go?
A. We've devoted a whole new page to this answer.
Click here, please. Also note that if you're having questions about the company position that you selected, you can refer back to
this post.
Q. These Monthly Report thingies... When are you going to post them?
A. The mods will attempt to post the Monthly Reports on the last Sunday of each month. How the Monthly Report works is explained, at length,
in this post.
Q. I don't want to just stick with poking the muns individually! Is there any way for me to innocently molest bug you all at the same time? @_@
A. There most definitely is! The SB!mods and the muns in the game have srschat, a regular OOC chatroom on AIM - just log in and poke whoever you want to while we're all there. :3
Note that there will always be at least one mod in the chatroom unless we announce otherwise! And, even if we're NOT there, feel free to lurk and invite whoever you want to inside~
Q. But why is the rum gone?
A. Wrong series, honey. o_o