
Sep 18, 2008 22:35

C/P and post in new comment with the character you are applying for in the subject line! Please check the Character List and Reservations page before applying.

Please go through all the game information posts before writing your app. Also, please go through the rules.

The CEOs of the respective companies you apply for will also have a hand in the application process. We encourage major characters to apply for major positions as listed in this post. And while we accept Freelancers, we do not highly encourage them either.

OOC Information
Player Name:
Personal LJ:

IC Information
Name: (self explanatory)
Age: (If you want to play them young make sure to give a reason for why they're associated with the publishing companies! Be reasonable!)
Any changes to your character's appearance?:

Company: (Vongola/Varia/Millefiore/Freelance; it would be better, but not necessary, to stick as close to canon as you can get)
Position: (Indicate two, one for your first choice, and one for your second. Refer to this page: )
Skills and Abilities: (List your character's skills and abilities with regards to his/her position in the publication business. You may include other skills/abilities such as 'makes very good coffee', etc., but we're not really looking for skills like those.)

History: (How did your character come about being who/what they are now? ** Freelancers only: Indicate which companies your character has worked for as a freelancer in the past, and the nature of their work. Cite at least five. Also indicate if your character is totally independent or if they take extended contracts, and if your character has a preferred company. )

Sample Third Person Post: (How you would write a log; must be at least 150 words. This is so we know how you interpret your character's personality.)
Sample Journal Entry: (First person journal entry. This is so we know how you interpret your character's voice. Avoid one-liners.)


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