battling demons bores demons in me dulling claws still flailing now just pushing for answers exhausted i see all i've said. my stomach is slyer than your head and my thoughts will eat you until it's dead.
handing out candycanes at the shelter > any other christmas morning in my life
after i helped prepare food, i walked upstairs and on the door someone had written "you are beautiful, but i'm not bountiful" i wonder who it was for. there were so many truths in that place. some good, some bad, but mostly new.
when truth is surrounding like when you step out of the shower you grab for the towel\\cause you are scared\\ like always
its been practiced and it feels right because it dries you quickly\\ but what if once you stand there shaking and let the truth around you dry your skin\\ like never before\\ i think you will be changed
the soil has always been too dry for you to bury anything deeply. the lack of water hinders decay, and because of it; no new life will grow here
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