The sshg_promptfest 2015 Summer Reveal!

Aug 01, 2015 06:00

Dear SSHG Fen,

I hope that you enjoyed the 2015 summer run of the sshg_promptfest. Thank you, everyone involved, for keeping the SSHG ship sailing through another splendid fest!

Creators, you are now free to post your works wherever you like and to reply as your fandom selves to the comments that you received. While you're doing that, I'll prepare for the SSHG Prompt Fest's next run by clearing the mod account's flist. Please don't take it personally; the mod account's flist is always the list of the fest's current participants. :)

Without further ado, I present the sshg_promptfest 2015 Summer Reveal!

sshg_promptfest 2015 Summer Reveal
 CreatorType: Title (Rating)Prompter
 1.  dragoon811  Art & Fic: Blooms of the Heart (G)  kerravonsen 
 2.  crmediagal  Fic: A Sad, Sad Sap (PG-13)  mt_nestor 
 3.  dragoon811  Fic: Remedial Transfiguration (PG)  dragoon811 
 4.  savvyshka  Art: The Pit (PG-13)  muse_amusant 
 5.  savvyshka  Art: Blush (G)  articcat621 
 6.  iqeret  Fic: Left Alive (PG-13)  dragoon811 
 7.  adelarchersnape  Fic: The Firewhisky Made Me Do It (R)  tychesong 
 8.  helenarickman  Fic: A Single Tear (R)  delphipsmith 
 9.  hikorichan  Fic: Threads of Fates (NC-17)  Anonymous 
 10.  mt_nestor  Fic: Terms and Conditions (PG)  iqeret 
 11.  toblass  Art: A Sweet Moment (G)  dragoon811 
 12.  keladry_lupin  Art: Sparring (G)  nickygabriel 
 13.  jaxomsride  Fic: Changes (NC-17)  amorette 
 14.  girlcalledradar  Fic: Nineteen Years Later (PG-13)  eoforyth 
Tambra Galid  Fic: Happily Ever Afters (PG-13)  kerravonsen 
 16.  stronghermione1  Fic: Donor Daddy (PG)  swissmarg 
 17.  melodylepetit  Fic: On the Shores of Sotkajärvi (NC-17)  iqeret 
 18.  hikorichan  Art: Wedding Presents (G)  mt_nestor 
 19.  savvyshka  Art: A Quiet Moment (G)  articcat621 
 20.  worrywart1966  Fic: Fifteen Shades of Longbottom Blue (PG)  iuls 
 21.  wildcard_fic  Fic: The Black Eyed Boy (PG-13)  mt_nestor 
 22.  di_lamerr  Fic: I'm not hags hair! (NC-17)  iuls 
 23.  rayvyn2k  Fic: Metamorphosis (PG)  krissy_cits 
 24.  articcat621  Fic: Meddlesome Fairytales (PG-13)  Anonymous 
 25.  calmingshoggoth  Art: Poof! (G)  Anonymous 
 26.  mt_nestor  Art: Gifts (G)  melodyssister 
 27.  palathene  Fic: Time No Longer (PG)  krissy_cits 
 28.  iqeret  Fic: Masques (PG-13)  palathene 
 29.  krissy_cits  Fic: Wishing (PG-13)  carowren 
 30.  willibald  Fic: Supreme (G)  nickygabriel 
 31.  toblass & rivertempest  Art & Fic: A Kitten for Severus & There Was a Crooked Man . . . (G)  rayvyn2k

All best,


2015 summer reveal, *mod post

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