Links to three applications you’ve voted for Basics
¤ 1) Name Michelle. I go by Michey or Misha more often though >: I feel awkward when people who aren't close to me call me Michelle lol.. (and I even feel a bit awkward when they call me Misha, since it's my mom's nickname for me, so Michey is best! ; ;)
¤ 2) Age 17 in about two weeks :D!
¤ 3) Country Canada
¤ 4) From a first impression, what kind of person do you appear to be?
● Bubbly
● Friendly
● Outgoing
● Very forward and open with my feelings
● a tad flaky (sometimes more then just a tad though orz)
● A bit crazy and hyperactive (I've had people ask me if I have ADD/ADHD when I first met them OTL)
● Rather dense
● both extremely innocent and extremely perverted (I've given people first impressions that I'm both before ;a;...)
● Immature
● Very talkative
● Cute
● Clumsy to the point where I WILL MOST DEFINITELY DIE BECAUSE OF AN ACCIDENT OF MY OWN FAULT, IF NOT OF NATURAL CAUSES. (Either that, people say, or from trying to rescue a cat from being hit by a car lololChromeaskldklkl I-IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT I LOVE CATS SO MUCH OKAY OTL)
● Moe
● "desu" |:
● Clingy
● Very "damsel-in-distress"-esque (L-lol I have this dream because of my parents of someday marrying a guy who kinda sorta rescues me either figuratively or literally, a-and because of that I tend to have really fallen hard for people who play the role of my "knight in shining armor" when I am in neeeeeeeeddddd -lame-)
● A total doormat who is very easy to get your way with aasdklasddklkkl
● stupid idiotic dumb etc etc etc lol I've been told I should dye my hair blonde before so that it would match my intelligence level OTL
● DORK. DORK DORK DORK DORK DORK I cannot even count how many times people have described me as adorkable or dorky or dorkish lol.
¤ 5) How does that differ from the person you are?
● I am friendly and I am outgoing, but I'm really more shy then a lot of people give me credit for.
● A lot of people seem to think that I'm permanently up on cloud 9 and ALWAYS ALWAYS HAPPY, but I'm actually extremely overemotional, it's like... I'm constantly suffering from PMS and I'm very veryyy easy to make cry, and I moodswing a lot ):
● I'm actually not as forward as most people think, it takes the right situation for me to not be a shy little hermit -- which I.. kinda am. I have no problem with going days and even weeks without even leaving my house lol D;
● I DON'T HAVE ADD OR ADHD. I just... act like I do.
● While people think I'm pretty dumb and idiotic at first glance, I'm always being told by people who know me better that I have a lot of intelligence when I actually THINK THINGS THROUGH and don't just rush into situations blindly like an idiot, so I should apply myself more ahhh.
● I'm .. really not as dense as I seem all the time. Sometimes, I'll just pretend to be to avoid being hurt, even in situations where I know that it's pretty much inevitable orz;; A reallyyyyyyy good example of me doing this was when the guy I love (w-well. I told him I love him. Lots. And... and I think I meant it. And I still do. Y-yeah.) told me he had had a girlfriend for two weeks while we'd... I don't even know what we were lol it was confusing. He liked me a BIT that way and had a small crush back on me (but didn't want me to really tell anybody because he was embarassed lol ;3; -shot-), for a couple of months after we'd been pretty good close friends for awhile after just being FRIENDLY IDIOTIC ACQUAINTANCES with a couple of inside jokes for a long time, but I think in the end I was too annoyingly clingy orz... plus, he'd always kind of liked the other girl, I think, even though they had always had more of a big sister/little brother relationship. BUT.. YEAH ANYWAYS IDK but that is an example since for like.. three weeks before he told me I had a feeling there was something he wasn't telling me and wondered if he had maybe found someone he really loved a lot since we'd had conversations before where he was kind of cat-on-the-roof-ing me for SOMEDAY if he ever found someone else and I was still in love with him lol. So I KNEW THERE WAS DEFINITELY SOMETHING ABOUT A WEEK BEFORE THEY EVEN BECAME OFFICIAL AND HE STARTED FEELING GUILTY FOR NOT TELLING ME. SO UHM... EVEN THOUGH PEOPLE THINK I AM DENSE, I CAN ACTUALLY BE RATHER INTUITIVE. I am.. strange. That way.
● I AM NOT CUTE OR MOE OR "DESU" ;________; I want to be, but.. I'm.. not.. orz;;; I have huge self-confidence issues especially when it comes to looks, mainly because my sister and mom are fucking beautiful and could be and have been scouted to be models before, and I am tall and feel like I'm fat and incredibly overweight (ten to fifteen pounds isn't extremely, and is easy enough to lose lol why am I so self-conscious about my weight) and am actually probably a perfect candidate for an eating disorder but the idea of dying from starving myself scares me too much OTL
● People say I am talkative but IN ACTUALITY, I NEVER KNOW WHAT TO SAY. So I just say the first thing to pop into my mind usually lol orz
● I tend to act less mature then I really am lol. I LIKE BEING A KID TOO MUCH TO PROBABLY EVER FULLY GROW UP, I'M SORRY.
● I'm not a TOTAL doormat, it's... only with certain people that it's completely impossible for me to say no to OTL I'm extremely easily to persuade into doing something, though.
● I'm.. way more then just plain old regular clingy. If I like you enough, then I WILL LATCH ONTO YOU AND I WILL NEVER LET YOU GO. EVER. I'm serious, that's the extremity of clingy that I am D: I've been compared to a puppy a lot (since I'm very loyal do to my clingyness? orz), either the type who enjoys humping people's legs or one that just got kicked OR MAYBE BOTH? I suppose I'm like the type of puppy that got accidentally (or purposely?!) kicked due to it's leg-humping tendencies.
¤ 6) What kind of person do you want to become, then? ... u-uhm. A-actually, I.. don't have any set idea for the type of person I want to become personality-wise orz;; I just know.. that I want to get better at applying myself intelligence-wise in certain situations, and that I want to finish my education properly and graduate.
But... that's mainly to impress someone really... precious... to me.... who loves somebody else but I really don't care because he's happy with her but that doesn't mean that I'm giving up really easily and and and.. aslkdkl idk h-haha... ;;;;
BASICALLY, I... I want to become.... someone lovable? And mature enough for a serious relationship. And just.. generally IMPRESSIVE and such to the person that I really really like.
¤ 7) What, or who, is your inspiration in life? I... really have too many to list OTL;; Tons of things and people inspire me, but just... alskdkl. I don't know if it's even POSSIBLE for me to ever narrow it down to just one that's my biggest, really. My parents quite a bit, definitely, but that's kind of a lame answer despite how true it is. Certain friends of mine, too, but that doesn't seem big enough to count as my biggest. Music is definitely a huge inspiration, but it's kind of a superficial one, and.. asldkkllk I DON'T.. EVEN KNOW.
Maybe it's just LIFE IN GENERAL. AND ALL THE PEOPLE I MEET. THAT LEAVE A LASTING IMPRESSION ON ME. THAT... that is what inspires me the most I guess lol?!
¤ 8) What are your major strong points?
● I am very affectionate and loving!
● I'm apparently really creative and artistic, especially with fashion design.
● I can usually manage to smile through even the most dire of situations, in order to keep up the spirits of those around me! /overdramatic lol
● I'm easily approachable... and apparently I'm fun, and pretty easy to talk to?! (APPARENTLY. Though I don't really believe it myself lol.)
● I'm an extreme hopeless HOPEFUL romantic?! Personally I think this is a pretty strong point of mine lol ;a;
¤ 9) What are your major weak points?
● I am... overly clingy and obsessive OTL
● I'm very sensitive and easy to hurt, emotionally AND physically since I'm not USUALLY likely to try and get back at people who punch me. I'm .. not an extremely violent person lol. I've only punched one person before, and it was a guy who'd bullied me for years when we were younger. I broke his nose, it was fucking AWESOME I was crying tears of fucking joy and relief on the way home lolll ;___;
● I'm actually not that good with talking to people I don't know very well, especially if they are of the male persuasion.
● I'm a very bad liar, but I actually do it quite a lot when it comes to how I feel when I'm down, so...?!
● I can be an extreme hypocrite lol e_e;
● I'm too impulsive for my own good ahaha;;;;;; I NEED TO THINK THINGS THROUGH MORE.
● I can be or at least come across as extremely childish and demanding. I ... asldk. I "need" a lot of attention. (Or maybe I just WANT a lot of attention. M-MAYBE I'M SECRETLY SOME KIND OF ATTENTION WHORE BUT DON'T EVEN KNOW IT laksdlalklk. -headdesks-)
● I'm very annoying lol :c
¤ 10) What makes you (^__^) =D?
● Drawing.
● GIVING (or just calling lol) PEOPE CUTE NICKNAMES. Like Nickypie to Nick, Rhi-bun for Rhi, Mekaboo for Meka, Karly-harley and Karlawl for my sister Karla.... ( ;_; despite being artistic and shiz I'm not very creative with nicknames lol orz CAN YOU TELL?! The most creative ones are Karla's, and it was Nick who thought up Karlawl and my mom who thought up Karly-harley because she loves motorcycles so... -shot-)
● Shopping for art supplies or going to the library.
● Exercising, mainly running lol.
● Cheesy romance novels or shoujo mangas lol.... >u>;;;;
● Talking to N-- ... t-the guy I like that got mentioned way too much already throughout this questionaire thingamabobber SO I'LL TRY TO RESIST FOR THE REST OF IT... >//n//>;; But y-yeah, just talking to him about PRETTY MUCH ANYTHING is always an EXTREMEEEEEEEEEE mood lift and or motivator lol ;A; it's because of him that I'm actually trying to graduate highschool so HIM IN GENERAL MAKES ME HAPPY?!
● Cake and ice cream.
● Joking around about sex :'D!! -shot-
● CATS. Especially my kittycatssssssssss Smokey and Twinkie <3 I love themmm they are my babies >8
● Writing/roleplaying *A*!
● When people are proud of me or have confidence/faith in me not doing something stupid and/or dangerous for once.
● Lots more lol ;___;
¤ 11) What makes you (>__<) >:(?
.... ">___<" basically means frustrated or angry, rait--? -shot- asdllk uhm uhm UHM
not.. many things, actually. I AM MORE HAPPY AND SAD THEN ANGRY. But ehhh there are some I suppose.
● Not having my feelings or point of view acknowledged in certain situations :B
● How idiotic and dumb and self-conscious and self-hating and overemotional and overdramatic and lacking in self-confidence and ALMOST EVERYTHING ELSE THAT I AM and can be.
● How difficult it is for me to say "no" to certain people.
● the fact that I'm still a virgin lolol NO I'M JUST KIDDING R-REALLY LOL. I am actually pretty content with my lack of actual sexual experience at the moment :'D;;;;
● My aunt Nicky and her boyfriend, for reasons that I don't really want to get into DESPITE MY OPENNESS WITH LOTS OF OTHER THINGS ON THIS, because it's.. idk. It's just that much of a sensitive subject. She's basically a really horrible terrible sickminded person and the only reason why I've always been so indecisive about question 14 down there -- if it weren't for her, I'd probably say that it's never justifiable to take a person's life lol.
● People calling me retarded REPEATEDLY. God. Fucking. Damn it. I am NOT retarded.
¤ 12) What makes you (;__;) ;(?
● When couples that I really like and support and are most definitely perfect for eachother and meant to be or at least should have a CHANCE (and I mean this in both real life and fiction lol. I like knowing about my friend's lovelives, and I fucking love romance movies and novels askdkllk -LOVES LOVE LOL?!-) don't wind up together, and probably never will ;___;''
● When people are disappointed in me. Especially when they make it obvious with one of those overly dramatic DISAPPOINTED SIGHS, y-you know the ones, right?! alksdkll I DON'T KNOW WHY, but something about whenever I hear somebody sigh like that and it is directed at me, it totally makes me lose any and all confidence that I can do anything right and and and YEAH.
● When people take their frustrations out by causing themself physical harm AKA CUTTING AND SUCH.
● Being yelled at.
● Being picked on, unless it's by somebody I like since I actually enjoy even getting negative attention sometimes if it's somebody I like OTL;;
● How annoying I can be to other people.
● Feeling awkward.
● Being called retarded lol. IT MAKES ME SAD AT FIRST. BECOMING ANGRY IS MORE OF AN EFFECT OF BEING CALLED IT REPEATEDLY, and actually then whenI do get angry it's more of a "goddammit stop making me want to cry aslkdlkklkl ;________;!!" kind of angry)
● ...laskdkl actually. There's too many to list. So. I. Don't think I will. AND WILL JUST SAY THAT PRETTY MUCH ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING HAS THE POTENTIAL TO MAKE ME SAD LOL
because honestly I moodswing so much into sadness and always have that I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANY MORE.
¤ 13) What is your general mood?
LIKE I SAID EARLIER. Most people think I'm constantly on cloud 9 lol :'D!! That's mostly because I'm good at hiding when I'm sad or depressed or angry or upset, though.
In actuality, I think my general mood is pretty mellow and bored rofl, but I'm easily entertained, and I'm pretty good at putting on a show and pumping my CHEERFULHAPPYSUPEREXUBERANT level up a couple thousand notches when other people are around and I'm not alone.
¤ 14) Do you think taking a humans life can be justified? I've actually thought about this a lot before, and I don't have a set opinion, nor do I think I ever will. It's constantly switching between yes and no, so my answer is I HAVE NO CLUE. It all really depends on the person who's life-taking you're trying to justify, I suppose.
¤ 15) What do you think of Love? I LOVE LOVE. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. It is an amazing, beautiful feeling, even though it hurts at times it's really the most magical thing in the world. And I love that there are so many different TYPES of love, and unlike a lot of people I knowww that there are so many types, so I can never feel like I'm lying when I tell the people I care about most that I love them, because I really do with all my heart, and would most definitely be willing to die for them if I had to.
¤ 16) How do you view your life? ...I AM NOT SURE HOW TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION.
I think it is pretty okay, despite seeming to have more downs then ups at times. I wish more people would take me seriously and have confidence in my dreams for the future >:
¤ 17) Do you “live” in the past, present or future? A mixture of all three. I tend to get nostalgic a lot, and I worry and wish I could take back a lot of things I've said, but I also tend to live for the moment and have a lot of hopes and wishes and dreams that I really want to obtain someday.
¤ 18) Could you risk your life on a 15% chance of dying under unknown conditions if you would get really rich if you succeed? MOST DEFINITELY NOT if I didn't know the conditions of death, unless I needed the money desperately in order to pay for some extremely life-threatening kind of cure or surgery for some disease that someone really precious to me had or even if /I/ had it. If that were the case, then I'd do it in a fucking heartbeat, especially if I were the one dying, since HELL I'D PROBABLY BE GOING TO GO OUT SOON ANYWAYS, SO I'D HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE 8D!
¤ 19) There’s war. Some people fight for their lives, some try to flee the field, some protect their family, some hide, some nurse the sick, some organize people, some steal, some try to stop the fights… Where are you? It ... could honestly be anything out of protecting my family, fleeing the field, nursing the sick, trying to stop the fighting, and hiding. I COULD SEE MYSELF DOING ALL THREE. ESPECIALLY HIDING. But actually I'd probably hide at first, wind up having to fight for my family, start trying to stop the fights, then RUN AND FLEE LIKE A LITTLE BABY ONCE I REALIZE THAT I WILL PROBABLY DIE IF I DON'T GTFO OF THE LINE OF FIRE ALREADY, and in the end settle for nursing the sick and wounded back to health :D!
¤ 20) If you had Mukuro's power to possess people, how would you use it? .... for... something really stupid, probably. I'd rather not think about it since even THINKING about what stupid thing I'd probably do is incredibly embarassing lolllllllll orz Besides, it'd probably involve Nick somehow OTL;;
¤ 21) A smiling, white-haired man comes to your house, eats all of your marshmallows, and says he needs your powers in the Mafia to overthrow other Mafias. (You’re getting nicely paid and free ice-cream for a year!)
I'd be tempted by the free ice cream, and probably have difficulty saying no completely since I'm pretty easy to persuade OTL;; BUT OVERTHROWING A MAFIA WOULD PROBABLY INVOLVE A LOT OF SCARY SHIT, so I would probably not want to be much of a part of it. -cry-
¤ 22) You find a wallet on the street. It contains a lot of money, a drivers license, and two condoms.
... OTL I'd check the license to see if I knew the person, and if I didn't or they didn't sound too familiar I'd take the money and leave one of the condoms.
¤ 23) Your house is burning. A lot. You have no idea where the other occupants of the house are.
and then if I can't find them, try to run out of the house as fast as I fucking can while STILL BAWWING LIKE A BABY AND TRYING NOT TO DIE OR GET BURNED, andddd run to my nearest neighbour and cry to them about why the fuck they haven't noticed my house burning DIDN'T THEY HEAR MY CRIES OR SMELL THE SMOKE OR SOMETHING G-GOD WHY DID THEY NOT CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT aslkdklkk... -criesmore-
¤ 24) How do you eat your hotdogs? I DON'T LIKE HOTDOGS, they are made of gross animal biproducts, as is bologna!
... unless hotdogs is some kind of euphemism that has to do with sex, in which case I LIKE THEM WITH WHIPPED CREAM AND CHOCOLATE SAUCE -sparkles- -SHOT-
¤ 25) What’s your theme song?
Click to view
I am the girl being sung about in this song.
... minus the good looks. -SHOT-
ahhh okay, being a bit more serious, the songs
So Contagious and
By Her also suit me quite a bit I think?!;; I-idk. FRIENDS HAVE AGREED WITH ME, THOUGH, SO.
¤ 26) Tell us a character from another fandom that you identify yourself with? Orihime Inoue from Bleach; Minori Kushieda from Toradora!; Renge Hoshakuji from Ouran Highschool Host Club (lolol OBVIOUSLY, from that video aslkdlkk), though I can also relate to Haruhi quite a bit; both Tomoyo Daidouji & Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura; both Shirley Fennette & Milly Ashford from Code Geass; Mikuru Asahina from Suzumiya Haruhi no Yutsuu; Kiri, Kafuka, and Matoi from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Furukawa Nagisa from CLANNAD, Mion & Rena from Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, Kotonoha Katsura from School Days (J-JUST A TAD;;;...), Nana "Hachi" Komatsu from NANA, Patty from Soul Eater...
... ahhh... OTL there's a lot, actually :c
¤ 27) Give us a picture of, or describe your room
Rofl friends have said it's surprisingly empty compared to what they thought it would be -- they especially expected wayyyyy more stuffed animals and pink girly things then there actually is lol orz;; It's kind of plain and simple compared to what they thought it'd be, but there's enough stuff that you can tell it's mine :'D There's a ton of art supplies, a poster or two of some kittens lolwat, and a tonnn of books, and I have pink curtains, and a canopy bed that my grandpa made for me before he died (and I loveeee lol even though my sister has one exactly the same ;__________;..). I've only got one or two stuffed animals on my bed, most of the ones I own are in my closet with my clothes ;a; And LOLL I keep a stash of yuri and r-18 doujinshis under my bed alskdkllk... -doesn't have a camera or any recent enough photos handy- ;__;''