I'd bite Xanxus's bottom =)

Apr 08, 2009 23:14

Please link to 3 applications you've voted on recently:

1) Name Mandy

2) What makes people like you?
I’m non-judging, easy to talk to, helpful, kind and amusing.

3) What could possibly make them want to kill you?
I’m spoiled, hopelessly late for things, and get special treatment when I shouldn’t.

4) Is there anything you have strong opinions about; what? (abortion, homosexual marrige, war?)
Abortion → I’ll do whatever the hell I want with my body and you can do what you want with yours.
Homosexual Marriage → I’ll marry and fuck who I want and you can do the same.
War → I’d never survive in the military XD
Bullying → A close friend of mine commited suicide because he was bullied. So I'm very anti-bullying

5) What provokes you?
Harassing the people I care about, assuming things about me that aren’t true, when people shove their faces into other peoples lives without any compassion or understanding.

6) How keen are you on fighting back?
I rarely fight with anyone. The only serious fight I’ve been in was when I was in grade 5 and me and my friend were playing tennis. 2 high school girls came over and started harassing us. The one girl cornered me on the court and was insulting me and the other went after my friend and took her tennis racket and was threatening to throw it in the massive gutter outside the court if my friend didn’t lick the ground. At first I didn’t want to do anything and was blubbering like a baby but then I noticed the 1 girl had put her school books on the ground outside the court so I slammed my racket as hard as I could into the girl-who-had-cornered-me’s nose. Then ran past her outside of the court. I grabbed the other girls school book and proceeded to start ripping out pages while yelling at my friend to run back across the street to the complex where we lived and call the police. At the mention of the police those girls took off like lighting. So even though I rarely fight and don’t go looking for fights i’m more than willing to fight back if someone pisses me off.
Holy crap I wrote a lot XD

7) Do you like waffles?

8) What makes you stand out from the crowd?
I usually blend in but when I’m hyper and chatting I attract a lot of attention.

9) In times of war, what would you do?
Do my best to stay safe.

10) What would you do if you were shot by the Dying Will Bullet?
Travel the world as if I were to die!

11) If you were to provoke someone, how would you do it?
Insult every aspect of their character? I don’t know i’m usually the one making the peace. XD

12) What do the opinions of others mean to you?
A lot. I like being well-liked and get upset and awkward if someone doesn’t like me.

13) Which things would you fight to protect?
Friends, family, my doggy, and my personal belongings.

14) How active are you?
Pretty active. I go walking everyday ^^

15) What traits do you dislike in others?
Ignorance, homophobia, promiscuity (but only if i’m dating the person)

16) Whats your usual mood?
Cheerful, laidback, calm

17) How would you define "cute"?
Something I want to cuddle =0

18) What would make your day perfect?
A thunderstorm. I love lightning and rain. ♥


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