sure thing, dr. jones. if we screw this up, a lovely new england town is gonna be wiped right off the map, so... maybe you should check the news first?
I had no doubt you and Dean could do it. You've been doing so on your own for how long, now?
Hn. I don't know this Uriel, but he already pisses me off. *small smirk* Not that that's anything new for me. And the fact that he was a dick only reinforces my feelings about 'interventions from above' in general. Superior beings my ass.
well, the head bitch-demon isn't taking any time off, so neither are the winchesters. i'm sure you're MORE than familiar with the concept.
samhain is down for the count, and middle-of-nowhere, USA is safe for the next 600 years or so. i'm eating ALL the peanut butter eggs to celebrate. thank you, piper. :-)
Comments 14
You know how I worry.
but as dean reported, everything's cool now. except for my head, which is pounding like a motherfucker at the moment.
But somebody's gotta save your ass.
and i'm way too tired and cranky to boast about saving the day. again. some more.
*brow arches* This Castiel really said that to you and Dean? Hn...
and if i have to be perfectly honest, the smiting part was more uriel's schtick than castiel's. they had kind of a good cop/bad cop routine going on.
...okay, maybe it was stern cop/dick cop, now that i think about it...
Hn. I don't know this Uriel, but he already pisses me off. *small smirk* Not that that's anything new for me. And the fact that he was a dick only reinforces my feelings about 'interventions from above' in general. Superior beings my ass.
Make sure you get some of the peanut butter eggs I sent before Dean eats them all.
samhain is down for the count, and middle-of-nowhere, USA is safe for the next 600 years or so. i'm eating ALL the peanut butter eggs to celebrate. thank you, piper. :-)
Whoa, hey now. I wouldn't let Dean eat them all on his own, which means I can't let you, either. Share with your brother.
You're welcome.
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