i just went to the aveary w/ mi BFF(emily), it was soo fun!!! she luvs this bird thats $1000.00 its a kind of cokatoo i think..i lyk this rose cockatoo for $20000.00 from alstralia...its a lot mooney but itssss soooooo cute!!! and its from a looonng way away... plus u have to but all the stuff for the cage and the cage soo...i prob. wont get that
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its rainin rely hard!! and im rely bored!! i talked to jessica tody havent seen her in lyk 4ever!!! myles and harry r uglyer than ever and ryan used to b hott and now he grew his hair out and hurt a kid so hes fired .............. good tyms!!!
my sister isnt here!!!! mi dad had 2 drive up to goegia cuz their bus thing broke down!! so he'll b bac tonight at....lyk.....LATE!! o0o i have a my space thing its:
today mi sis (sarah) is goin 2 a soccer camp in geogia today at lyk 8:00pm and i just got a new cell phone but i HAVE 2 share it with sarah!! grrrrr well at least i have 1!!! any way im sooo bored!! its is rainin on and off over here!! i cant wait i get to go to montana on july 28th!!!! till agust 8th!!! yeah!!!
EMILY'S OVER!!!! Don Ma (my sis soccer coach) died yesturday 7-6-05 at 3:17pm he had a brain anurism or sumthin lyk that! *cry, cry* im having a VERY boring day!! camp was tireing 18 kindergardeners running around its hard 2 keep track of 'em!! emily is sleepin over today!! thats the only good thing that happened in lyk a month or so!!